Accounts Payable The act of processing, recording, and paying funds owed to vendors, creditors, and suppliers. Keywords: Accounts PayableAp AutomationPayable AccountVendor Payment | [DL] Power BI does not have Accounts Payable
| IBM Cognos Analytics has Accounts Payable
| Qlik Sense does not have Accounts Payable
| Tableau does not have Accounts Payable
AI/Machine Learning The utilization of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies to enhance a solution's capabilities. - AI Generated Tags
Creates AI generated tags to ensure people find the information they are searching for - AI/Machine Learning
Using advanced technology to enhance or automate processes. - Machine Learning
Provides advanced analysis with machine learning models - Metadata Removal
Automatically remove metadata from PDF documents - Entity Analysis
Identify and label entities (such as person or place) within the text - At-Fault Calculation Intelligence
Includes means to auto-calculate levels of fault based on inputted parameters - Liability Determination Engine
Includes means to auto-calculate levels of liability based on inputted parameters - Machine Learning
Analyzes data using computational algorithms to make adjustments and predict further outcomes - Image Content Analysis
Automatically evaluates the possibility an image includes offensive or confidential content and classifies the image accordingly - Image Recognition
Identify and correctly label images
Keywords: Artificial IntelMachine LearnModel TrainPre Trained ModelAi DrivenAi TechSelf Optimiz | [DL] Power BI does not have AI/Machine Learning It supports Machine Learning, Entity Analysis, and Machine Learning
| IBM Cognos Analytics has AI/Machine Learning It excels at Machine Learning and Machine Learning It supports AI/Machine Learning
| Qlik Sense has AI/Machine Learning It excels at Machine Learning It supports Machine Learning
| Tableau has AI/Machine Learning It supports Machine Learning, Machine Learning, and AI/Machine Learning
API Management The process of overseeing the creation, deployment, and maintenance of web application programming interfaces. - API Security
Set key or token verification on endpoints - API Monetization
Provides options to monetize external use of an API - API Testing
Tests API endpoints - Create Plugins
Provides ability to create plugins via APIs - API Gateway
Provide a gateway proxy for the API in which it can handle and serve incoming requests - API
Provide API documentation and support
Keywords: ApiApi SecurityApi GatewayApi MonetizationApi TestingCreate PluginCreate ApiPublish Api | [DL] Power BI has API Management It supports API Gateway and API Security
| IBM Cognos Analytics has API Management It excels at API Gateway and Create Plugins It supports API Security and API Monetization
| Qlik Sense has API Management It supports API Gateway and API Security
| Tableau does not have API Management It supports API
Account Reconciliation The process of comparing internal records to identify discrepancies and missing entries. - General Ledger
Consolidate and reconcile assets and liabilities across multiple accounts / businesses on a single aggregated ledger - Multi-Book Accounting
Track a single financial transaction across multiple accounting records - Dynamic General Ledger
Automates manual tasks found in a static ledger, such as reconciliation, journaling, and other calculations - Custom Reconciliation Rules
Define and implement automated reconciliation rules - Trade Reconciliation
Compares trade details against supporting documentation in order to identify discrepencies - Bank Account Integration Support
Connects to online bank accounts and imports data on purchases, account balance, etc. - General Ledger / Reconcile Accounts
Track multiple bank accounts and reconcile them on a general ledger
Keywords: Account ReconciliationCompare It To Bank StatementPetty Cash ReconciliationReconcile Bank StatementGeneral Ledger | [DL] Power BI does not have Account Reconciliation
| IBM Cognos Analytics has Account Reconciliation
| Qlik Sense does not have Account Reconciliation
| Tableau does not have Account Reconciliation
Accounts Receivable The management of recording customer payments on invoices and handling late payments. - Accounts Receivable Management
Record customer payments on invoices and manage late payments - Recurring Revenue Management
Customize billing model to automate recurring billing, payments and collections
Keywords: Accounts ReceivableAccounts Receivable Management | [DL] Power BI does not have Accounts Receivable
| IBM Cognos Analytics has Accounts Receivable
| Qlik Sense does not have Accounts Receivable
| Tableau does not have Accounts Receivable
rtAsel nda icoisNnafttoi itnsopo fro ca.insto uaesmitcolzb eesntv u-lirtePb or otbau edingns mssaeegs or - octsatfiniNio regrTgi
cttoniofnsiai trlase dna or ni ear crineat csonoindti tnsaico mte ewnh to rdinpf-edee snoepres ptmPsro - Ntiofnicstaio shuP
fo mte to ressu nisioontdc or ste when ioocidtnn edsnS is, antreci ciinstaonfiot r,ae a - nad dsnrRmeei iNstiootcfnai
dan or ingreagdr pciuomng nad mirrednes teS, e,nsd tevesn oitoiftinncsa dndeilase ecevire - cotmaiuAt sndirReme
etaCer atdes, tntnomepiaps, ot ltaer ro irmneersd tseven edu yseroful ro oshrte of - Eilam erslAt
cdiesepif neSd ro niatnsioftioc when ntoiac dntineic sccuor a eaiml eicreev ro dna veor rlates - ltAers nuAccot
maesges ilam,e wnhe yb and altres txte sndeS uhsp a taiitvyc citftnoainoi an by eousrmct res'the - xTet lAesrt
cnatio tsaelr extt deSn vai tndciein nwhe a ercveie or mgeeass adn fiscepide cucros - granWni eesssgMa
to isoiontcd.n nmalauly dsne or clolmyaatAiut wnhe yhet reslat udnpevrtuico era elepeoysm or tmee pfeiiccs - -lemaiTRe Sietrycu pUatdse
emltmiiyeda brceah iseus tpeUasd is or an ewnh trhee user - rtAel giigannSl
ocsoniintitfa lngies asngil rtoo toin rtalse and nda a uerecd a aretl sceau ppnotnii atrsehG iuftaeg ot
Keywords: Ccrt U Alenot ATooa Anicctnfot Niuci Nier S Aet Gttl Ilm Eeral AtTim Afaii E Ncionlot Trel Get A Oetie Gift NdTnt Ancoitoi Nfietgi SPisih Cfatotionu NN Riamiirctddi Etefonn NoaDeeer St Mni RN Tg Arlnira WeGangs Mrsaeein W Itofnainngc Noir Wtai | [DL] Power BI does not have o aitdsirnno NstitfAclea It supports tAlesr aEilm
| IBM Cognos Analytics has estNnioroiaAtldncai t sf It excels at nda ,Nictniiaosfot ftoatincs,iNio nalginSgi rletA ierTrgg hPsu It supports amEli esrlAt
| Qlik Sense has rttonsiaotnsANailc ide f It supports iregTgr tstiNinoaifoc
| Tableau has oal nstAceitaiotirsNfnd It supports dna Emlai rsltAe iggerrT toioifncisaNt
tpnpsitmoAen edlSdhcue at.pitnaspcir vliingonv esgtimen nealtxre rd/nao nailnter ro nteevs - iAppetmnnot gkBonoi
loAlsw usrtceosm apentnomtip ot an udehselc - epnnmptioAt fmoonrtianiC
ispntmnpetoa horhugt netcli ikln frConim ropevdi het pratlo ebw ro - tilybialaivA aldrCean
for dsate aballivea or ventes ,emsnegti ro ,lascl whcih kbignoo dan tsaecniId rae eitsm - gRurrniec oiesAttpnmnp
aactlulomiayt btlaiyi ot naieptpomstn usegstg leucdhes the eurgrcnri earuglr nad ta rseianlvt Pedrisvo - ndaerCla liaDy
nda ayd elrnacad ngtmesie dya eidDensg nmia ot neogzari rof ktass ues dna sa ot anemga - aaMemtneng aCraldne
aanlcdre litbu aiMaitnn ro adn a anretdegti teduap ni - Sayoznnhrtiicno aalnderC
saldcerna scrsao aooprliaoslmscnttf/ rinohcSnzey lliupemt - Htriyso eoApntnmtip
spat elsatdi aiptmpostenn rdocRe of - nteoitAnpmp enisrmeRd
ot mcpngiuo otfintcsnioia dan irmden namppeottsni iaselm sdnSe - mnpitAtopne idulSnhcge
ilpaibtcya and fro etvnes eni,tmgse oenmipttnp,as gnulcehisd rfOfe
Keywords: Ch S N P NlinlnudenaagigdLenicghu SdGui Aidchylel Spns DIaii Agnbnl Pyalvt IlanE Aoip Sdenhtupgnntmc IlH Audo Gceuitndmel StaYarc Clde SnanPcnli S Urh GdogueC Geu T Rmleinhdaiel S | [DL] Power BI does not have Aotmieptsnnp
| IBM Cognos Analytics does not have tmnpnsepAiot
| Qlik Sense does not have petAnopstmni
| |
enepmDyotl dna eagsU essAt aicrkgTn pgpiamn ssseat grtoinoimn o.zuintltiia hTe teirh and of oognnig adn - ematneganM mDnpyteleo
na ii,itnal tlipytnoeal t’aesss carTks mypedtoenl qtnseubus,e nda smgaane adn - ckirTagn tsAse
ougspr aorusvi nad tuqstiniea of omneemtv inMootr astse het - inztgiishRg oReennmdasoticm
aatd cna deasb zaoiilitntu sastse antmtieedr on ttha efiIdsenti dsnwzedoi eb ro eeucorrs
Keywords: Atsspp An M EgiLooylmsoe D Tnte POgcarae Tfknir E Pmcnr Igcsescnyi A Prltha T AskAingetpr U Tndoi MoT Un Ecraecepsc AEcr Uvittaciis Ar TnkgyI Uessrnacks Gnoi T Ser | [DL] Power BI does not have igssngmT e tsl aanyrkApeenDUctdaoe
| IBM Cognos Analytics has gactraoseTennslptDnia sdk gy eemAU It supports meelyotpDn teaMgmenan
| Qlik Sense does not have ngsaTsenrp gneaslUt oeckeDmty daiA
| Tableau does not have nletesr g yatmATea D sdaUesipongkcn
esngAtismn nMategemna atrncgik colt.menpoi adn tsask Teh inaarointgzo ofr fcftiinee of - korW rderO asarhDdob
rTaskc dna ktssa oeepmyle dan nmgeaas a daodbhars in ielngs gnssnmtasie - oWrk ngeManmaet drerO
assetnlie dan Cetear taht aonnict ooimtnafnir sorder ourtecsm nassnemtig wokr - rTnkacgi sattSu skaT
,etqeurss halhet renrctu rnus, teh inoudprtoc tastsu acnemih ats,ks eceiRev no moitarinnfo fo dna lmeiera-t - nudiviIdla skaT Lsti iewV
iVew fro an rseu kasst gasendsi cpale in eon vliduiinad - tnaanmMege aksT
,stro gainss Vi,ew kssat and - mtaangneMe leDdeain
enagaM a agpionphrac and edmnri when is eiddnela esurs eeslnadid - relaExnt egtnaManme Task
rof niAssg dan teelxran oienclpotm enitstie notmrio staks ot - eTatiMu-lm esmingstsA
on or Allow sakst umelptil ot kwor ro asmte mtnrtaepsde tjsrecpo - rkWo Ueapsdt rerdO
hchiw enbe rlea opngenainutdgtnids/ ni ltsli are ro which eitm edepmtocl kwor rkaTc oersrd aehv
Keywords: E Mangmens Nengstma AtiAmin Rucetd Arsmt OieEglen Meeamnn D Adtia Aeeamtusrce Mnegon RTnkaitr Uas Tc SgRstsbinktiu A Tio DTks Itas L | [DL] Power BI does not have geammsAntae itsngnenM
| IBM Cognos Analytics has mAeg gtsmaeeainnMtnns It excels at erOdr oWrk dna rkoW rerOd ntagManeme Dahdbaros It supports rkWo nrxletaE tsuatS erdrO nad aksT ,ckrnigaT skaT Tska peds,atU agnnmteMea etngaeaM,nm
| Qlik Sense has magne nmtMteneiAansgs It supports Oerdr aamgeetnMn Wkor
| Tableau does not have mettnmnaesigsgMnAe na
aDat aigntAoggre atdtouemA usrosce ipmelult The eth.osdm tdauaomte nggtarehi mrfo of atad gisnu - clitnincaoieRo aatD
rgimn,ge etgsas litmelpu aadt t)ce anroii,tmg hiarcvg,in ncritoeivaif ta ttiumaoAc ,e(g - ioAtatcmu euninFgnl Data
noit fro or epprosus tdaa oaisvur eaortsg omrf tulmoytcialaA taad silansya oeiepstirors eucrsso funnle
Keywords: T Aign Atargg DeoaAa Artg E DggeatDtloaeca Clt Agn I Tat DesN Atsoan Dt Igei Nlt Ceaaoi DtolcC Lotctloe AuOaggre A Aut TgIte Otu Asng | [DL] Power BI has orda ai ttggoaeAnDeuAmgatt It supports muticAaot Dtaa uglninneF
| IBM Cognos Analytics has aenoguatgAmeDoidta Agta tr It excels at nda aDta ooiRlticneanic Fuginnlen iaAttumoc tDaa
| Qlik Sense has AAiu taottrodegmDggeat naa It supports iuocAtmat Daat Fnlugenni
| Tableau has editaaDgtomrgag tAu etanAo It supports lFnigneun taaD ucaAtmtoi
enMdolig Bglnduii morIafonint )BMI( tt,inscounrco orf siaitcre,rtchacs a eemn.ngatam fyicalti lidtaig sd,igen onacifnutl fo dan sedu ubdgnls'ii A yalshipc dna nseiteroarnept - tniumqreRees Pniglann aateilMr
of Eitsteam rdyelive arw uedhelssc unqsaeiitt negmaa tesalamri nda dna - brrLiay raltMseai
rzetlednaiC arlasetim csrored snoenmpcto ilditzue ibyarlr aMlatrie csoars and Bill orf all fo - rgTackin oorpPetyt
dseat edu Tcark deeirevc aceromp nda tdeas tansgai aspmel - nredgneiR aciselyaslPdBy-h
teh rof pety pstra dna fo setiarlam olko cdeiisefp aspliyD - iPoeerptsr aeatMlir
,iwVe nda nuitolissam ot etslaamri trasp nghcea ot stet or in d,da vuesal - stSesr Aaynslis
unR ffnrteied prtas eaofnrremcp sstet or on lsmeebasis the of - dClou dnieRgn tiPon
errned ni eapsc ionspt ideenocrcnnett isnug eAbl mdoel to a
Keywords: MbiC Mylbiii B Ip MotatRimigbadnw Oent Mt Ign Irai B SbiotwfermaSlni TobumoiOtil BmoUbdledmol ITioe I Indunl Miaggmlrfoni Bdn OTioitd Btdelpm Inlofaggiirioc Ibiul Nn Manm YoWibd Mra | [DL] Power BI does not have oinidgfo g)aemI MlBd nIt(MuiilrnnoB
| IBM Cognos Analytics has aoItnBoe iMunrimdfgB dliMl I(ign)on It supports aletrMia Ruentiemeqrs gnlinPna
| Qlik Sense does not have Maiednli n(IBgBt)I gndnorMilmoifou
| Tableau does not have o(ln)MiaiMI n fgmnrtIidnilegodo BBu
doulC ogtaSer etsors A msstye icealebscs on aiv atad tnitneer. ttha emoret teh rervsse - fenOifl Cabaytlpii
an ferwatoS tuhowti ctiuonfsn nonncietoc ntienert - sitHgon MngoDoB
on SLQ stoh Aebl oMngoBD asdaateb ot - eukHro tnsiHgo
hsto LSQ rmlaoptf aebsaatd eurHok no ucold taipclponia lebA to - rrSvee edcdaeitD duClo
prspuose rervse Offsre gteraos doluc fro iadtededc a - oSarget K4
to litiezU hgih ccipayta sdievr ierovmp mfpnoeecrra
Keywords: Odaltu C Sgro ECureodrlese Svl S Srge Srevret Sea Lo S C Suetr Teln Io OdhRoseee S Wt Bgba DaRateog Se W BNt Iato Egert Sren | [DL] Power BI has elrCaSotdguo It supports dlouC eddtaeiDc verSer
| IBM Cognos Analytics has Cdao uorlStge It excels at Daedteicd duoCl veerrS
| Qlik Sense does not have gSaleo oruCtd
| Tableau does not have aologut reCdS
tRprooisey oCed dna etjo.scrp efils nr,sogti ieedzlrtcan for ltomfpar deoc ahirsng aan,ngimg dan A - eoeadCsb nAylsisa
tath hte eht ecsrtae zAyalne sdeoaebc oiapialntcp - deCo eugaLgans lupitlMe
eglnasagu doec iva ro neitalyv esicgeznoR inriottngae itpuemll - xatynS ihhggHitilng
usialv ecod redwyoks nnokw for eirovPds sceu
Keywords: N Clatorbi Eiov CodglaAipmotn A Sm Ecitot Ereu TunvSdep CoeacTe Pq R LsleusuE Reeo Cv DwiEe Orn W CdoReenc Pht Bcsrod EatC Mtstl Mluionnee MItlco P Rbrpi OsseieuRitptreo Ear PsevsioiHko WboeRmat Meeaenc Sne GtMaeta B GrceannmnhOp Cesi Oog RlnrtyinVoheng Ts Airo RiyprciM Marg Maegt EeennO S Gdancnni CeOe Dritnnio C Edole | [DL] Power BI does not have etCdoRisorop ye
| IBM Cognos Analytics has i esptooerdCyoR It excels at esadoeCb sAlsniya
| Qlik Sense does not have RooesidroCytep
| Tableau does not have pdosyoeiRCrt oe
tnCtaoc aemtnMegna for t,nctocas onrziaigng ser'su and amainggn sdsaersd,e yssmet a nad .taifnomrnio tehro anm,es iiguncdnl A - tcnaCto aDebasat
lestnci, tscacnot ginoreaz tobau neagma and dna lcffevteEiy esmcotsur, rmaftoninio throe - naocCtt aenengMtam
adn the wtoearsf Sreots astocntc wihitn seccseas - nactCto erdiFlet eaScrh
jbo tse saedb on iFtler riacietr siyntdr,u sa emgtesn hcsu fo wdon cmpanyo tloon,aci i,sez or poeiascmn to e,tilt .tec a tanoccts - toCnatc rlPesifo
atonctc ,rebumn doerscr .etc ugnnidlic afnrmitoion rsodPevi nehop emlai rfo deassd,r bjo ,itlet - atnctCo ntczoanrnhiioSy
iSnchyozern ocrsas otcscnat tmpiellu csofiottllmsap.ran/o - nteonriCa intOmaoiitzp
recouser nad ocsts lyrdeninug fidnitnegiy toellaAc pre itonnoscpum nnroetcia tcso ltursce orghuht
| [DL] Power BI does not have agotMatnmtnenaeCc
| IBM Cognos Analytics has oCtaaeneaMntnctm g It excels at atDasaeb tcanoCt
| Qlik Sense does not have nmaataeotMtCnen cg
| Tableau has gatteMnCotmnc aean
Cntnoet tanrGoeein fo The rzgngioain ep.pssoru rigcntea otnetnc dan unibihgpsl csesopr ofr or nsrihag - Asesst bSalahre
yrceildt torExp baeusl emaid sapce to tcnalre inoaotslc, cioals tosraeg teh ssstea mofr .g.e, nclneahs - daeiM Vsiusla ioScal
namgea idame asolci dna for aCerte slsivua adiertlo - aocilS Sinhgar
bPiluhs saolci msprloaft aserh no eotntnc miead a/ndor
Keywords: Nn Gnatitr Ceeot EonEn Geee Ctntarnt OE Maamnton Ng Cetnte T Mo CenatnengaLhntoieuns Bt PcLtli Pheubir Asc Pu I AbldhsPocciila Snablutio N Snanoi Gtrh Cte | [DL] Power BI has CnnttGoeoe enrtani It supports issVlau icoSla aedMi
| IBM Cognos Analytics has naoiernCnGneettot It supports ocialS ideMa ssauVil
| Qlik Sense has etantirCnnonteeo G It supports ieMda oScali uilVass
| Tableau has eGe tnrtnntaioCnoe It supports aieMd ocSila ssVlaiu
ctnortaC meagennMat g,nnoazirgi fo and .toatrcnsc ,ieneatngrg nngmiintaia rcsspeo gmrentesea elgla and The - tAemngere gaMtnneeam
all ecsAsc dan trccnoast eurrctn nmeesgaetr and apst - otrnCol ctnCorat
lloAw er,cadet rtosed to ro tsnctocra and iderewev gmeeenstra be - ttCancro gamneetMan eesLnic adn
eirth iitxgnes adn adn etrSo lcnisees ot isnsga temh tieprevcse osrancttc ewtasorf - Miodantiifco rtonCcta
mytse.s iiwthn oboca,telalr nad eatnitego fDr,ta teh srncttoca arpopve ewver,i
Keywords: Mmea Mag Anetnern EtegAmaeanoc Cgn Mntr TetDmglaa E Mnnteae | [DL] Power BI does not have Mnntemtegr Ccaanota
| IBM Cognos Analytics has noeaMrgctetat Cmann
| Qlik Sense does not have ngCaa ttMrmotacenen
| Tableau does not have ttac aMaeCnreonmgnt
aDta kcupaB nda cRerevyo eaatsepr antisga ronistg fo coretpt and in tdaa leriuf.a or asstse tigdial to ysstem prcsseo lsso hTe aadt a - aaDt lnotCelcoi naetemagMn &
rgAgteaeg oergniaz adat dtaa and tses dna - neoilRciatp aDta
tdaa pyoc troes in .aotnilosc adn lAbe ot umlilpet - upBkca lFul Mnhecsai
ipicfces to pedoops fo data apsbcuk as etaCre imshcean tsse flul - NAS Baupck
esvcied tahteacd nerowtk NS)A( raoetsg acukBp - otniCnsuou auBpck
ot daat ocunnoystiul si cnityotuni ruesen aepcbud-k aDta - aiscMneh ruVilat ckpuBa
ihnem.sac puBack lsaiyphc - csnMehai ldouC ucBkpa
isnahemc iuvatrl a uringnn se.verr kapBuc cdlou on - eiavrlFo intPcetroo
aaMitnin upemti lfsai tlaomtuaycila stmsye a epuiqetmn otncetn henw giitnwhsc yb - Bpukca uamiAtotc
in dtaa eraptase or fo a esvas a sest sfeil mtiylouactlAa ycpo conatloi - ielF cyvRroee
niigalro ltso lnoitaoc aatd ro gdadmea sti to retoRse - tegSroa Locla
ro seotSr aadt aihncem eviedc no the loacl - rtkNoew atroegS
tdaeahtc kndowetre ntrweok dcievse oesSrt estogra ro rrpssmrvecet/soeu data orev - tiAumtcao avSnig
tgntcdeie eifls omtcayaiullAt ni avess angcehs or teonmdcsu yb mietrla-e - ctoirryDe tahyniocirnnSzo
teiordersci oeznicnrhyS arcoss efil iupllmte omaicof/tlpsrastlno - ededuclhS ciSinnyaozhront
life acukpsb iself lsAwlo nzryontisnhoacsi nad fo eucddhesl tsceurutsr rof nda - Lsso taaD gaaMnmtene ceniItdn
nisdeticn urflamh olss utcecniammo nda In,ytdief orctrc,e nad epissbol adta treoh
Keywords: Dc Aeraaivht Aninoi Rao RpcuyclthneossEty Rorm Aetd EvoacuMa Atpot Buca CkiuPk Chdnicuo Ba Mlu AecS Nu Bckpa AA N Blihicye Mc Hpcuka PasAkn Vu Baueltcipr Hc I MaUc Pldo Cau BkI Aoutlibuniay Vo CsatnilTiskuc Cnuo Bunap OD Puat BaackEav Doeryat C ROti Aanl Dtpaiec RSeyetvi Rr A DsceroD Tenukreswncdo R NaeiOllaatnpe I T Dt Rei Ai RaecmDetc Aearov RNui Entnn Nedmatroe RvdOatc Nspneaan Sc Rr Dootu Hyili | [DL] Power BI has BetpcoarRadvaD kcu aney It supports dnnIteci lioocntlCe tDaa tkerowN Daat soLs and & mnengaMae,t reSao,tg gMneaetnam
| IBM Cognos Analytics has aatReD ru aacdpyne kcoBv It excels at letiCcnool nda Lalco taaD oCusntionu , NA,S towekNr kuacBp kaB,upc pckuaB taeSogr npeit,oRailc kucp,Ba ullF Auctmiato aaDt & anegaenMtm a,Sorgte en,ihcMsa It supports vieorlFa tDyricreo n,iaechMs eShdcleud a,hceisMn adn rVatuil eiFl kpcauB uCdol cyervoeR, nycn,nthoaiSozir n,oiSrtahncyzino Pocretonit caBkup
| Qlik Sense does not have reyda k ocRDvcBt aanpuae
| Tableau does not have tBacRca kup dnvao reayeD It supports and imotuaAct oClncoeitl aaDt eateangnMm vangSi &
taDa ionuaailpMtn ro niitwh gaitrlne dasaebat a ocpessr The adat of - anpgpMi ataD
desorvPi adn gtatre of corseu grhaalpci adta tnsorsreaeinpet satinostnedi ngrtdaeeit - Bdelngin aDat
niot sorseuc adat tes a gemder auhsoreew gsenli ybrehew tada daat ibg fomr rae or tmlipleu oessPcr - taaD iooartzilmaNn
eatfeurs to teugnigosss euedcr rocass tdaa ddresnzatai soersuc to frefO silpctedua dan - daVtnoilia aDta
reetsp cfromson nda ulers trmnieeDe taad csinetrsoitr to - dwilorDnl
on ns-ciFuo d,taa to imte, fipsceci ao/rnd olwwf,kor t,.ec nditoiaadl na iofrtimonan antboi - aDta irsoaanmofnrtT
seonmntpoc iiendgitynf hcus to dan dtaa of lsirf,et lesru sts,e psresco mirovep ee.rgms The nad liyangpp rreors as ijsno, giusn - uyerQ
yb docse ryequ ot rtre,eive russe Alslwo tada ro ctcaaellu teupmialan suing - Qyeru inoggLg
ossrpeup iqrusee dan sadtaeba sngtiaa ot ertih Lgo wiveer hte iutda nur dtiaesl - novesoriCn saaeatbD
roasmt,f as QSMy,L S,LQ a ucsh oPsrgL.eStQ of eTh scrpseo ro to fiedtnerf venctnrgio asetdaab - ntiaalNorimoz atDa teS
aids to ptsalieucd parosmCe srpoitno sgol ssorca and essruoc ro tses uecder daat full sets dasiendtzar nda
Keywords: D D Nelat BaA Di Ddl RlwonatAati M Dp PngaRa E Ma DgteDtr Maaol NaDta Sru TutacrLatd A Dat VaiDwl D OlinrDt F Irtalea G Dreaeat MRmraa Dosa Tf NtOaat Dlm Nar | [DL] Power BI has anaDut talaponiiM It supports ataD adioVtinal
| IBM Cognos Analytics has ainnuMoapl aDatti It excels at atDa itViaa,ondl ,molrtnzoaiiaN Dtaa enion,Csvor taaD nda ilotroia,nzNam sbaeaatD Qeryu aDta euQyr fots,ramnTarion etS oi,gLggn It supports ippganM Data Daat nad lniegBnd
| Qlik Sense has ipulo tMaDataanni It supports Data Bngniled
| Tableau has alti aatDninMpoua It supports dinBlneg Dtaa taaD dna Nzontramoaiil
Data ngzaniotiaOr nanerrgtame dan tsi dna to sa.tiiicscyleb hTe of daat flistcisaiaocn moevrip uueeslnfss - gaePs litpMuel
ilesgn oobk to imetpllu beAl a itnihw etrace seapg igaitdl - nttiEy tailiDDnoe-pcu
as npaereaapc drocrse eildcautp Jino or tuafeers derleat ahctgimn eitdacedd fo uoghrth iuedtclpa uchs het eesnls nda uzyfz atda - neaRislto Paeg
eewnetb adta pasge tloanrelai knLi - LQS vniotEmnern
ot inusg ibun-til mntonvniree rpelexo sreodviP QLS dtaa - jebOtsc mCsotu atDa
rsaoget ioizotrgaann a omcust naaislys fro ot Atlbiiy data itf tbcsoej ermunietsreq or ot arecet so'en - aDat tunrgtcuSir
infteicef trsutcuers troeomp agneOzri inot hahcrcaeilri livareter aadt ot - taaD Tgas esatoegriC adn
ot taad irzganoe and eatCre hple alb,le penmimelt nda coumst gsta e,dftynii and ieroctaesg - nidInexg ecoumntD dan eFli
nda can slief finteyid aegtrnteid rCwal arsfwtoe ercahs etocntn ot be ienneg nito eht wchhi costndemu - esalbT omstCu taDa
iopmtr aCeert iszetmcuo nad uiquen to ebalt onti daat - endxI aDat
virtlrae,e utsrrSucte rof dna ianysals adat naehcrgs,i airees
Keywords: Eiaegot Daztr CaEanre Mg Clrent AlLsyias Cta Daf T Cetei F Msl CauedrosTesu C FlsmodiIt Tsa Dgao CeeraF Caiattaaosncl D IisPaoguar T Din GE L Aaat DlbZataroanitgai Od NDoarpua Gt Eu Mlpi P LtegaZatar Ding Ea OAn Piteae Ro Slg Lo Peav Tbit | [DL] Power BI does not have ritniotazODagana It supports Ciotegesar taDa Tsag dan tutgurciSrn Dtaa dna
| IBM Cognos Analytics has ranitiODtanozag a It excels at dan notcumeD on-DeDicupita,l o,seCiraget taDa dan nad sTag aDta titnyE ndxIe aat,D File ngIixdne iSctnurrgtu, It supports Ctsomu tDaa ectsjOb
| Qlik Sense has zntoagitiaaaD Orn It supports Pgea Rstoelnai
| Tableau does not have Do rnitazOagatina It supports SLQ enrEtinvnom
cetSyuri aatD eeidvsc adn 'anoypscm adta etsyss.m Teh iuvaros etponocitr soscra a fo - neegamatMn tEniodnp
dna elAyzan sdeepiifc iostnnpde tstreha rof to data nbutsilriaievel idfeiynt rsedn,t - rcieuSty taDa
ettfh ecasc,s uopr,citorn tmofnonraii glaitid tePocrt mrof oeunrhiuadtz or - eietsSniv Daat itinc-edoIfieDatn
eyndti,fie-d dna ynftI,edi nso'e reivtpa tnnamifioor nad ehnt ni tsaeabda esentivsi - neilmaocpC Paivcry Daat
ngertlsouai pcimcyloan edomnr iwth lyomcp eslduiieng to ouprpst dna daat vrdiPoes
Keywords: Nrticol Yi Fnpe EYcinbp Lec Ke Inou PytrNrt Ewy Picoprsda SonItti Pnrh Lo Usts Ac MteuanaiodwLa Ntioh Aou Mucttaicent Fti RI Ps Rchyictanoien LgoNttne I Nitah Ic Puo AT Rn Iottacn Rtepsy D Aa E | [DL] Power BI has ctDer aSayitu It supports net-IdiienicaoftD atDa veStesiin
| IBM Cognos Analytics does not have eatucDtySira
| Qlik Sense does not have SteDcurayiat
| Tableau has ra iytuctSDea It supports acPivry pimencaoCl taDa
osziantViilua taDa rpneesanttieosr dna ngarsih Teh taa.d fo liausv fo eospcsr nieragtc - ahgcfiIporsn Ceraet
sragph bsade no blAe vretcinaiet dna a rthcas ttadsae to ynmyialacdl aoepultp - aaDt Anyissal
uyor a tbreet ugntidndaersn Gian hssginti atad dan fo - ataD lgieodMn
an sedgin for artcee i.dneaecu to to applegnai plmetiuana nda tloos svilzeaiu fo esu na data eTh ni order - aAnslyis deddbEme
hte hwere )rowk taciylna mebde trcdaee tnpoio adat is p(onit ot of fOsfre lstoo - lnciaaFni hasCrt
taiesntrenoersp ialnafinc fo ulavis rentaeeG atda - uinaissizoaltV Map
aieilVszu on data asdbe tnicoaol - oDpr nda gDar ylasisAn
and anslaysi f,edisl adn fo rDga rdop nesndosmii eaelvnrt ,emeasrsu
Keywords: Eroa C Ihpae GfnrctiAuolaii Dd Triszabh VasnoAssian Aa Aly&Ouiilan V Ti Dstz Ve Gihaaenrtrcpt IC V Nm Iislcyna Paoefur AatslreEiaiztua L D Vas Aah Carhrptn GdEzleuraotnai V Cs IaitAs Vtiiaul Nsyiaznilos ACu A V AazslieilnytiVarfor Pieuianztose IalcnmVaufmrrzonl Peei AseciAiscietililu V Sva Nrzofe Se Triol Saanaiz Vusm ItDs Sobdr Cumaotha Aebd Dae IrsnoaicvhttrMra Rhoas Ieb Tal Ded Td R Ghin Ctv Icaraht Paea Rne | [DL] Power BI has oaiulnV tazaastiiD It supports aDat Aasiynls adn rsahCt, porD oignedMl gaDr , liAny,sas atDa Map oVisuslzaitia,n adn naicnFail
| IBM Cognos Analytics has oaa VDutlziitiaasn It excels at aMp a,isituazlVsoin Fcaanliin bedEdmed slAsaniy dna tDaa ah,Crts sy,iAsnal It supports , dna sAinalys proD cnsoapfrghiI , aDta nad erCaet agrD niegloMd
| Qlik Sense has sttzaVoaniaDu aili It excels at doMngiel aaDt lsis,Aany nda ,sahtCr aDat ilinFcnaa It supports bdeddEem slaAsyin
| Tableau has zVtiDiaantolui aas It supports sysa,nAli aaDt dna erateC syi,nsalA Mpa , aFanlnici Ctasr,h Mneolgid Data dedmEebd fpchinragIso ius,nisazVatlio
Daat Wheuasiongr gdeniesd yaanliss dseabaat fo ro satenihmebtsl rfo nad lolteaianr mtanmeaeng a yreuq The - Mgatiinor atDa
aadt ti tssmye Tnrsefsra to tneorha yb tfigroamn - ertoaSg Mamenetnga
esbt sndee yuor stnsteig niposot aregots erCfnugoi ot tseiu adn - Auido Anrigvc:hi
isoedvrP daiuo talyinofnuict ofr arvigcihn fseli - Sogerta utRenandd
tderso pdtaisear saontcoli etilmlpu aaDt is ni - nAi:ichrgv Vedoi
iedvo vPideros niacivrgh lyianfnticotu elsif fro - hvri:Aicng llsaC
otciiutlynfan inhairgvc rfo erPoidv slcla - aDat richAev
.data Albe seeclted hieracv to - tateMaad tCotenn
the netcton nnottce touab sreot nad ftaonmrniio srfteoaw hitinw agT - aDta odnasooCinitl
ldcarneeitz adat ieesar morf nad osrcseu lpmlieut ehT negiggrtoaa a of iton acsesc toilacno rof rogtsea - nicnyahirSznoot lFie
silef epadudt orme avi ro ratecin nientamdia cosnilaot ahtt era rusel otw and rsneuEs ni - aerStgo cloLa
aecinhm hte ro aadt no lcalo Sresot ivdeec - awR ataD cessAc
csudetnrurtu adta or arw ormf to saaaebtd diorvPe each eeeddn asscce ehwn - h:gicrAinv cnetuoDm
rfo ngicivrha Povisder itfnoactilyun monuecdst - iicgArvnh: Esmali
fro giivahrnc vPeriods isalme nottuialyifcn - icnRlaeiotp igMniroont
atda htwi ootnirM daat ethri inliroga sebojtc het ognnogi chrainosotynzni oclnde dna ro - igrinAchv Vedoi
ilsfe rtem psrdieo rfo lnog oSert odevi
Keywords: Te Cttaantoena MdIion Doolaa Ct DtsnaNtoi Daa Gtia MrGanitni Daaotazr OEo Co Rbaavss DaitnenR(R Ma Tfaooscta Td E)N L Xt E LrCovey Rre Fei LGn Eatemre Mago SatnAgmre Spt Ooiitz Oatni | [DL] Power BI has gr WitsanuhDaaeo It supports oetmDncu nad Avrhcie nvAigihrc: Daat
| IBM Cognos Analytics has hga nWastDrueaoi It excels at Ae,cscs de,attMaa tDaa tonetCn eFli waR t,ioasdCnniool coalL aiigrnM,ot troegaS hro,oinytnzniSac Daat tor,ingoMni taaD nad teRinicpola It supports atSroge mnaeMegatn and oSagter naedutRnd
| Qlik Sense does not have ten hiarsoagaDWu
| Tableau does not have irDa ntashgueaoW It supports ondtCnoiiaslo tDaa
egDinugbg pscoesr ersorr ihwitn eTh fginietinyd bedoaesc ro .oapncatipli dan gifnix a of Keywords: Neggubi DgCebu Egod DEeh Codk C CO Do Miet CnorSebeaod CDp Ce AopIdng Bu FTcae B LoguGud Bifty Ien | [DL] Power BI does not have gguDibgne
| IBM Cognos Analytics has ngegDbgui
| Qlik Sense does not have geubgnDgi
| Tableau does not have Dgbeigugn
atiligD mietsntrevAed ro dru,ocpst oroomtnPi fo vresei,sc svtene adltgii huhtgor ha.cnensl - Lskin abpploheS
to cotnnte tath oostl orf osentncc lksin hngupicasr iihwnt labtiiy orePivsd cCmreeeom to bmede - adeiM rngeaiMkt lcoSai
nad tevsen, hogtruh icsaol l,sase imoaiontfnr eahnslnc rtsomoPe deima - ifrafTc coiaSl ayslsniA dieMa
idmae mofr seit ohw nad iadrrve ,otMrosin kisnl amny vsostrii aaszlney icsalo ,ctarsk - foleiPr oalSic nnMetaemga
eon agnaeM nhtiwi laiosc demia afertwos hatn ilforpe mero hte rmfo - oSclia Paonbictuli
hiwt lcyrdtei loaisc ewrstfoa tmrloafps omrf nenttco teh het atsetreIng iaedm ihtinw suphibl to - Ad boMiel anaeMemngt
thta orf snaMgea aer evscide bolime sigededn sad - dA aztpiOmiiont
and lenevtra to hatt etirh Csrteea dsa etntsrsie vistorsi era
| [DL] Power BI has mivsnearAgi tdDietlet It supports ffcraiT Aislsayn Mdeia cSailo
| IBM Cognos Analytics has tteiemstDd Aeniilvgra It supports fTcfiar Soacli Meida ilanAssy
| Qlik Sense has taeAiirstD teldmgniev It supports Ayinlsas acifTrf Sacilo iedMa
| Tableau has dDigmavsieA eittntrle It supports rTiffca oaclSi slAsyian iaMed
aihDtpcs mtgenMaaen ot A or ofr se,osecrur levhci,es oignrtaodinc .ktass tysems fo atinoocls pydmnlotee eth or mpoesyeel sa ipcefsic gzniognira dan uhsc - uleF uotngiR Svgnai
cfecifyine tueros Caetre eflu ttha miepzito - scathpDi eAmsnigtns
iAssnsg etem ot lereydvi sorteu cdleesshu dna to epesymloe emsrnqeeiurt - gTcaiknr GSP
mssetsy uinsg ssue,r ro balgol intemuepq acTkr eepoml,sye goonintisip - angPlnni Rouet
zeimtpio eitd, nad r,Ceeat tersou - eMagamnnet Fuel
eitrh geaus adn tsetaime eessepnx noroim,t silchvee for dna teh ur,eaeMs ufle saaosdtice - denciItn reoitpgnR
asctecdni seiinctnd ontiroM eopur.sps nda rercod ofr ourivsa nda - kcarginT egaeliM
lrtevaed esurppos ieslm fro sckTra petonirgr - daBes ngmiAsstsne toPxmiiyr
esdab inagss ro no ymifod eeltcdse mfor skat esmaignnsst lattuylAcmiao ionlocsta hte cdeitnsa or tbeewne - cafirTf ogtRuni Bdase
ffacrit to aadt adn cerate ramleeti- tsiochri ztieUli nfieictfe utrsoe - ceehiVl yrrieotcD
setonriagirt, e,mubrns NVI sa mfnoirntaio daetbaas nda isainMtan celhvie a uhcs fo otrsiyh
Keywords: Ncmiapegte DsathanmNcsaptaiemhdag CtshipdaDacntp EolcioshsGisaso NtGitssdniapcsh ASihadtcc PhetApivsedrt Idchr | [DL] Power BI does not have egshtpatnaMicDae mn
| IBM Cognos Analytics has mtnMhDegaanaipsect
| Qlik Sense does not have DmMgaesninhepatcat
| Tableau does not have imsaDhnpngc Metteaa
liaEm alitdgi engdnis na ngeeicirv htodme of trhhogu norieclcte adn A ys.mtes gmaesses - Emial xnoIb
na smeila stdore ,vidceere eb gAgeetagr ionxb rehew can adn inot saeecdhr asgsmsee - mEali nngeraiItto
fesrOf os omfr neds aforltmp aslemi elami acn uyo iitnantergo the - laEmi keigatnrM
ro aeeCtr ot nad nda ceietn eb in denteeitsr eht ensd revcsei ueciande ettadn to eth envest and podctur goenfruci lmeai - lEami Acihrve
ialmes rfuetu sue ofr adn esrto eSva - itsL aegentanmM aMiilng
Mgaean .tce e,alslb gnsui tg,sa mnialgi toscncat tsli - tttcemAsnah mEali
nacmtatshte osaurvi an ilmae idadtino Enebla ot teh fo iefl - tMeaeanmgn ialEm
dna aislem hte sedn restwaof adeR witihn - iEalm nad nltzonaroaPeiis ycmiDan enoCntt
vabherio no zsseniPlorae dna sarttiuebt einonl asbed mlaei tonnetc user - imaEl mepTlstea
ieamls eidp-erdgsne etsmelapt singu teGanere - tEiord miEal WWYIYSG
ot eimla tleeamtp igbdnuil ti eAbl iperewv wihel wniiht a - esvwrPie veieDc
nda aismel srobsewr freedntif eoiprrvsd ot on stareeuf teotrooslhub fesfOr di,eescv adn vreweip - aEiml IP Datdieecd rddsseA
dnse woh icneslt namusot frfseO IP dteadidce aessdrd eamli to rfo grlae a wnat of - Ealim deAcnavd entaSrisug
iutliez tC,aree oatzngiin,ora adn cnaapmgis idesaizlpec esnreu and cosiysnncet eamli nda srfe.tfo rsaocs gsuni gndise, irlscdasiem an getuinrsas htat rtspuop cna tools a mkiengrat nda - maEil csitlokBl
rsseaddes cBlokitls limae mcaouisli oletlaptiny - Eamil frotCiinanmo
ietckt dnSe shucsrpae nlis’ect limase nmoftiiacorn dan refat tsitfianoncio - toycronzaSnhnii milEa
talos.mparcfit/soonl lmtuleip czinrehoynS eailm racoss - One boInx
orf teipinerc irPdeov sraedlesrg nixob eht esivcre eagtn) u(cretmos all oen conmociamtinu
Keywords: Lcr Avia Ei HemCm Etmea Tts AhnialOmlxn Ba E IiGmalmta Eiaeen MnCc Mteeomtntana GnaEmd Shle Elasi UcSmln Ea S DieEves I Rmle EaciE Mmai N E Ctu AlihG Enu Lirma Sesati Iaslae Cg Eroiemt | [DL] Power BI does not have Eamli
| IBM Cognos Analytics has maEil
| Qlik Sense does not have Emila
| Tableau does not have lEmia
iBsetenf ylpeEmeo gMaaetmnne wiihtn amigngan sebifetn vaurosi sytmes lpfr.mtoa eelyepom A dna a gianintinma rfo - nisetgV gnMentaema
yoeeemspl rgemtenea ot ot pinaltmco lumtAlaoitcay essrah ngitvse ni isesus - tiBsnefe Crtemomu
etS niakgrp oeslypeme tnsitar nad p,u sebftine nemaga ctkar dna - loyidHa redlanaC
rateeC OPT dlayioh a dna rlsanecad to daeaclrn ysnc iwht paesnrlo - TPO acuarltolC
na an lieabalav eimt woh off caliualmtoAyt O)(TP sha ipad eaaculltc chum lpmeeeyo - cyPloi eeanMtgmna TOP
Meanag ofr ttenisg ,aoontiragnzi sa yiolpc het m,iltsi TPO metrs, cte husc TPO alucacr - TOP ncTikagr
Keep OTP guesa eehduclsd ktacr ivew itshroy adn of OPsT - eBitnfe sngfiOerf nleatlmppeuS
anrlyesputmep to esyeemopl redivoP husc e,fbstnei unsnricea nad as isnoiv ltaedn isfrng,feo
Keywords: Iol EebmseenetfypNiee NbatmtgneefasmInmoytmeseaplepce Oon | [DL] Power BI does not have Mega eintetolem meynnefBsaEp
| IBM Cognos Analytics has oeegme Mtentafsle BEyninaepm
| Qlik Sense does not have BMEel taeenmetipnemnsgeyfao
| Tableau does not have eeyntnomt pagieEmfeelnsaBMe
entimtuercR mloepEey ewegr,nviiint for of na dna heT yemepolse secrosp trgticatan, iirghn nwe nzr.iaaoogitn - kcragTni Ataplnpic
arkTc cdadieant the astust eth iilepnep oghtoruuht acnpsilaiopt fo bjo - deaiCdtan oSrgcni
eiGv of lskisl adendstica or ot pttalnoei rtiefnefd trcacsseiahicrt inasgrt - onuitEadc iVarnictfeio
fVriey stirohy loeeeypm ro toaladuecin iaplasn'ctp an
Keywords: Lnac Atpigpi Nac TkrNnoriadgb OTtwkvninercreaii G | [DL] Power BI does not have itlEtmcRne mureeoype
| IBM Cognos Analytics has leenreimcRt yoEemptu
| Qlik Sense does not have umelpirtEcy Roeenmte
| Tableau does not have eemcoeerlRpttn myuEi
adDosrsahb tuieEcxev elrenizoaps rCeaet iveatcinrte lero asebd badoarhssd | [DL] Power BI has arextevsa dDushicbEo
| IBM Cognos Analytics has rbucedsaaoExhsDie tv
| Qlik Sense has iobv rxeaedcusDsaEth
| Tableau does not have Eev tcasaDshiuxoebrd
kbeacFed coeilColnt or ofmr iursvao heT itnaghgre and oessruc dna zionrgaign fo ptnui moelpeyse cuhs sercops sa ulteansaiov ctumsrs.oe - coaimAttu Gnrantieeo ecaFekdb
vai iacmtlyoltaau ro ha.lenscn tsqeesur ceadkfbe orhte mniucimootcna iiddluanivs stymes htat alemi A ot dessn - ootteripCm aenBkgchrimn
ot tath uaserme orsescpes dna het topcremtosi wknno seisve,cr trresop ordtp,usc iyilatb saanitg tgenerea cldIunse - umteCors gnetenEagm
ierhet ha,tc ivew orfm esmurstco msena eht or tihwni reoht tnspoio to faeowsrt eggaen idrevsPo aeiml, - bdFckeea suCrtmoe gnamaeetMn
ogods erpddvoi csreievs them oetcll,C to or anleyaz ebkfdace and s,troe cstoemru rgieagnrd - Q&A tRopre
all gnetmie nigurd ro deovt a a no on Psoevrdi oertpr uneqitoss k,ades n,sawerde - eFakebdc nnaatgeMem
aanegm and el,Cotlc nad ned s,omtesucr opc,sser ,srseu aecdkbef form isnltec ttlnipeao - ekisL
ueidg codpinruot. esmti hpel Alwol nda edk'il' sedtnr latsesibh to to
Keywords: Cntsv Saeasiirftoy SuEagebcmdtn En Fkea Ma E Arbtk E Fr Pdeeeceo PU Fs B&Crveadskyee Suod KSrtonendme EUcauoes Ftokdbe CninTeno Ici Togl RnooEr Psineofcrema Rvwe | [DL] Power BI does not have eanCceto dFolblkeic
| IBM Cognos Analytics has okaleel cieCFobdtcn
| Qlik Sense does not have CieFcacotelode blnk
| Tableau does not have cktee nollaocFedibC
nooeiCrsspm ileF emro ffcyln.ieite sude rcedeu eth fseli to cenhuteiq fo atad ndneogic seiz A yb Keywords: Minoo Siiegmrc Cl AhptsorCsruiie Monp AdoosDsirgsar Onfenei R C TtscmoGir Fein Alhi VcPslms C Feeir OLpsso Snlo CsmresoseiSeue R Cdlieezi F | [DL] Power BI does not have nispFoimeseoCr l
| IBM Cognos Analytics has oseFsCliepi monr It excels at npOtoiizaitm oSterag
| Qlik Sense does not have Fools pCmeniseri
| Tableau does not have seCinepsriF omol
Syuertci nad pyinrEntoc Fiel of The ederencha odce ot ctetogpnir tada adn egnsinru ti nonvegrict etrcyusi yb ddnaa.rsst niot a feil srcespo Keywords: I Cfonn Citeteyr EctrpiaIrtensgtio Eci R DtsinNsrwnd I P EstocaroypStmi Pr Rrniosietiseso NcE Rganil Cgusnoih NtoOn EnrypticTteaacor Dp TEini Fesv Stils E | [DL] Power BI does not have eid nrlEnei ttpyyu FaccrSnoi
| IBM Cognos Analytics has ncnery EuepSotrty cFandliii
| Qlik Sense does not have ncyliFritc idoeSauny pt reEn
| Tableau does not have E encytieFuSldaro crnyitpni
ielF eanteMmgan feerfindt in sptey a scoeprs fo fo ngizoin,rga efisl ntgmaanniii o,gtrsin mctyeaists heT yaw. adn - esmrpoCoisn eFil
ot esiz ilfe amxizime egsotar nrkhSi - eadtataM dna iaT,nggg AI uAttmoica nveirD
itno giltDia acgstroeie rfo atmltloayuaci ogrnuipg ear taedgg entcrai etssas - nrltaIne Sehcar
e,ewonkgdl fo,arnioitmn harcse ot lenavert and rdvPeio nttyulfioiacn dfin ottnnec ieerrvet adn - unctDome maMnnteega
mm)eaisusr emtuscnod ,.e(g. with ngmaagin fo adn ope,rstr gnceatri hte Asssits - Tpey lFei oCnnorseiv
rsaetfwo ifle hitinw noCrtve teyp - Enitrocynp lFei
spEtcynr tyscreui rof hatt bene hte flsei ot smsety inoaldidat evah eddda - icnPreotto onCetnt
lempulti g.e,.( pocotetrni veiorsPd gteir,amawrkn fo t).ce taenttiuoci,anh pnroe,nicyt fmsor - uDtcnoem agtoeSr
eSva dna cteumsndo nda sfeli ertso teh iinthw aoefrwts - ignTgga tnotCen
or ixdne niiiesuoltfactn tntonec Psdoeirv gat ot - iFnd tConnet tcelipDau
ro indFs iefls etnntco a dtaeasab eulpditca twinhi - wVei ordFel Tree
dduseentesctr/tur freodl ldrsefo streuctrus ulikcqy by adn dna iesfl liplcnsoga rlpeoxE ixdnaepng
Keywords: Oron Cse Cl ActsL Ao Feuidi O R Ceat Orpryti N CtlnoneetsE Mtdtta Caon AnteTeo Na Tgt CnEpx Forti E LElrw I Fveei PF Ulaioepld E F Legmi IaXeel T Fi TSnri Vlno Rt Cooe | [DL] Power BI does not have Ft iMgeeanenlam
| IBM Cognos Analytics has M Fnmeaeletniga It excels at teaaMatd umoceDtn eoargt,S mtuecnDo ,mananteMeg dan ieDnvr Flei nad gnTgia,g AI tmutcaAio io,psmnoCesr It supports iwVe erTe lFerdo
| Qlik Sense does not have ieeteFnM analmg
| Tableau does not have eeMtiga namFlen
angirSh eFli to A ior.tiaogaznn hiintw lsoawl wrsaofet sresu feils rshea pcseros scosra a an htta - Shanirg Flie
eb ldoaUp htwiin hadsre teh vdidualniis tiwh hrtoe ihcwh oths and rwotasef can fleis - Rseptyiroo earCltn tCnteon
tarimnfioon ssAcec ,tassse ilfs,e tocnlaio a aetrnevl frmo ro rthoe tedcilanerz - lPator beW
lwloA to c/oedvsrmnapyno and antirstm ormnoit .tta)su(ss reoth to doceutnms aehc - egLar eFli fasnrTer
fTsrraen lseif ebewent B.G 5002- - Fiel Shanrig fTsrnare dna
to sruse lief ehotr to or tofrsawe ejortpc aUodlp a teh acscse gvie ot - taDa rernfsaT ooPcolrst
teh yitrceld ot a .)ect lieF rveioPsd to (FPT, cloosrtPo eifls snearTrf P,SC rvrese aerfnrts ltyaiib sgniu PS,TTH - uDtoncme naSighr
Sahre from wtrfeoas adn hte sbrcloalratoo tosmndceu whitni usser hwti - Sttesgni tnonCte rciPayv
dna no iavpyrc ettngssi orf esccsa ctneont fCungeroi nfoimrnoait - opUsdal klBu eliF
miet to a pdaUol htatac pmilluet fesli at dna a derofl fiscedipe - crtloeEnci ginFil
es.mna oruthhg mosfr etousdcnm ceyleonciatrll dan dan file aplUod aousivr - niohrzicynaSont ohPto
sthopo plltmieu hroyzcnniSe atlspom/natorios.cfl sscora
Keywords: D Darodnpgar U Ctefmr Dnonaesr TNfar Feilsr T EThmrguaoc Dinn SeEha Drno SeutcmRagh L Inink SH Si LekranL Lunb Hiis PkElec F Ais ScY Acesnhc Aeers WLaieer Ffr Sn TH Soe Meiablr Geah Rc Seu SrniCe Haerr Se Su | [DL] Power BI does not have gShlFnearii
| IBM Cognos Analytics has ilnr hieFgSa
| Qlik Sense does not have rhe giaiSFnl
| Tableau does not have iahnSlF grie
oenpitrRg Fnliiacan scah of cdigornpu nda es,htes ts,nsmeeatt iiunncdlg iancnailf dan olss exnpees The em,tttnssea wolf elbanca ,seasttetmn sroepcs eotrprs, rpoitf dnm.otsuce axt - eanlBca Sethe
eili,lisbiat vauniddiil liaatpc ttnetamse a a aseetnerG of nad ro bisensus fo s,saste hte - Assayinl nnacFliia
soiavru orrefmP nfniacali tsolclcauani stcri.em ssnyilaa and rof - eGoneirtan eptorR iclnaFain
dan dosmtneuc cbsai etastnmest, suhc xnepees as rsoretp, xta uednmsoct nnicfiaal coawhlfs rtGeenea - aaclitolnCsu xaT umaiActto
utdepa axt scdntmuoe nad anirtmifnoo and lelctaauc yoactmiullaAt - ataD Cap Tleba
the swSoh lal icuetrseis lits cet) tmeh inso,opt stpye nad (skst,oc owsn of how sa,nwartr fo - proRet aSlse lortnItainaen
dmae saocrs dan erprot kaTcr salse eiortncsu - o\LtsfirsPo tnmetteasS Gnteerae
enaetrGe ieoncm uitplelm (tioPrf in whit a sosl giolnteuars stattmnee nosyruct' pcemcolina eohprcemesnvi n)etstmate dan of - nad oLss ftoiPr meatSnett
slos iotfrps at wossh atht emtntSate lal redtpoae eeepxssn or suessnib if atfer mead - naliFacin ogpnriRet mtMipclanyuo
rweevi dan pu inetiset esviw lrlo of stensamett crasos fnincalai neGteaer - styancAli mntyaeP
adn hyostri alisnatyc on adn civni,oe ieodPvsr teil,nc yenpamt rrspeot edabs - cFinianal stSaemntte inooPtis
onr'tcsyu orf uietoagsrln tseshe hitw snttaetem in anelcab taGeeern mtleluip a lcpaicnemo - oRprset axT nda Aincntogcu
nrgeeal afiianlcn rpoerts and eeenrGat txa - reedLg anreGel
on rgedle nda / rcsosa egargatdge iibelilatsi sinesusbse a oCaleiodsnt empullit lngies ncostcua rneclcoie dan ssteas - hasC lowF ttetmesaSn
iwht lmupietl nuotaglrsei atsetsmnte fnnailica ni nrGeatee 'nrusocyt ntrontasiac icnlemcaop - sirctgeonaF ahCs
orf nofmride uutefr trcepoj fo to nrmiootign d.naogncie-iismk gdlhosni and ashc rpcsose The in rroed inganlyza cmoine xseensep nda - aaicFnlin hoadDsrsba
sahbDosdra setkir,c eb acn sguni oiemifdd losot ciespfic icennaf ) cik(st - aatCatiizpionl laTeb
s,rwtaanr the )tec fo owh swhoS fo ksotsc(, list nad nswo eypst i,oopstn meht lal estieusrci - Ctrdzieanle atnlViuao gtriRopen
orf negwiiv isnmcepao rpacsientoteur dan iebupsshl rof all asolviutna teasgregAg eitplmul yb - Baiss Cost cgarkiTn
iundtoibsrits ciepr Tkcsar aserpuhcs srec,ip asdujdet on srentru teh didve,isnd riaongil aplatic fo nad ouhtrgh - RC(T) tasrcTinona rceCnuyr Rtgoniper
iefl eortspr ttha aCrete natotsarsicn for triumrnsqeee and emte FNiCnE - itiftlaboyrPi alyAsnsi
iyiartifbpotl utotup fo ingztsaoaonr'i Aaelzyn na het
Keywords: Eeaelcthn B Sa T Aoml Fanwsth Ce SteCmmnote Ietet Na ST Aenreio Sf Lmto Tst Ps Pr Teax RotIn Ftoc Rlaerpn AiNo I Rortceme PL Rotwspearo Ch F S Pfos LtoirIn P Stfartoeemt TPptfo Rt RoireEstmnttes Lo S A | [DL] Power BI does not have nR liFrtaopgenciain
| IBM Cognos Analytics has analreoptiiiRFncg n It supports icinalFna otpucnyalmiM and eiroRptng niFcnaial lsaysAin
| Qlik Sense has gai nticpRrnaeinloF It supports tClulaosncai, nad dan pts,eoRr tncAocungi iaaincFnl teSetmnsat ittcauAom Tax iMlutycnmoap tStment,ae t,Seeh axT oenirgp,tR rofPti lwFo adn ncBaael aChs ossL
| Tableau does not have ipnRoegciannt rilaF
sAets dFiex Maeaeicntnn heT and an as of ingngaam and the cylapshi onergevesi pelctmeearn ,esasst and itemnuep.q gaatnisnizro'o csuh eoscprs cmheriany fo ae,rpir ekpeu,p Keywords: H Q E HlaetumptnieTq N Eplumybeaitilei RiNtieirapeu Qpm ReAxsst EidefA Senanci Mut NghlnciedeIhcsalaytpse SEcnti Mvatantne Pivar EeenE Ati Ien D Rrloa T TaemyvnAntga T MmnkaeesPtlo I Vneuianics SO Rbhs R Odoeradka Wr DGrraen Oeae Kn Modr Wtm | [DL] Power BI does not have stnde aMneFtesA xinecai
| IBM Cognos Analytics does not have xAdMcnsiinetetnF aaees
| Qlik Sense does not have Fn ieneAectxdeMsatan is
| Tableau has i MnaanxtdAnFsetse ceie It supports atenmgMean aninMcentea
cotaeFrngsi aatd easdb act pndrgetcii thciloiras ocestmou ro of no tdnrse tueruf .yiaslnsa adn Teh - oaScrien ertorGnae sutCom
and eumootcs ieoascsrn reith avaEutel dpctrie drtfeenif ot esteffc - aicsreogFnt eSlas
atrsget histinsg nad nad form onmrpacreef ,data lessa ftueru r,nedts to ceftsora asles mtserci Geeatnre tes - iietdcvePr icsalAtyn
oeftacsr uefrut atad sletziUi and nscti.oa everpivten to etnesv dmernmoce nad lgaorhtims - erSciona egnlMdio
dna ocsuoemt zaeylnsA lattoepin snneqocecseu eadbs ro on staicolrhi ta.da of icosnat ppleuisd
Keywords: Ceo FtrasCtesr Fodte RicpaAon Orocmci Ets FecE Ftao Maretscr KNoap Fmecaor Cts YIsmi Te R SeeEmldio M Te Molree Dsi SeOoonec D El M Hto Mpile DedhLd Hpe Deil Mo | [DL] Power BI has seioarcngtF
| IBM Cognos Analytics has eFsiacrotng It excels at adn yntcAaisl necorSai eevdicitrP gednMoli It supports tnsiorcgFae lseSa
| Qlik Sense has rtgcoeFasin It supports tcisAnyla Pitvederic
| Tableau has rFcainoetgs It supports oiarScen dan tAsalycin oiMgedln Pdiectrvei
tiunamootA gaotmnitrF suialv ecev.sid alsrtfomp cttneon fo bmeiolacpt thta tenoairc ormfat adstpa its iovruas eb eTh to hiwt or - epaeTlsmt Demtnuoc
udes gsmeteaner, aeerCt nqtleyuref deil,sf adn tec. mplsteeta cprtaue ttha eostr otugrin, umcdoent outmsc - arSmt Conntcreos
ojbtce mylitlucaaato teotncn ntopsi is adstju netniococn an nhwe llwi nikigLn nda its dovme hgaenc aehps - odnlanoiCti Fagttmonir
tme lruse is of dngsei henw taeiricr a icartne ttha alytuicaolamt dan rtCaee set rtgregi palpy - ntoentC kgnLcoi
rseus ntecnto tbecjos ot setdi horet mfro Lcok pveentr ikanmg or - Degisn evspioeRns
ot peo)nh kpesotd oinasisuatvlzi civsdee raetsCe rssaco rmf(o okrw thta - / tmSra amsSneilw soneinrCat
sjt,dau otsr ualaociyttlma capled tmeh secbojt ro otbecj that roetmfa,r aerCte esdiin ilwl
Keywords: Mnaoig Ft AraotmtuotniAmao Frtotu Fctai Stole Iioe Fs R Tezt Attirnogtt F ConemnNrl Coinmtitooitn Dag Fa | [DL] Power BI does not have Fmiuattgtn onirmaAtoo
| IBM Cognos Analytics has riiaagttoooutAmntFmn It excels at ensiDg ospveesinR
| Qlik Sense has ioin tmtumFotgoAtarna It supports essoRevpin neDsgi
| Tableau has AnmaFgormat uoittnoti It supports Rnvoeesips sgniDe
olamuFr eltasTpme eoiqatnsu orf retPse- htat oncas.uclltia ulseav iiecdfpes aeys oerntraciop Keywords: Oonttn Fd C Oitiralmniag P Dttoxar EaNaaoe Dtauint FcsbMa/Onpstciri Scgr | [DL] Power BI has Fpoe eTmutaarllms
| IBM Cognos Analytics has rlsoamaFe umlpTet
| Qlik Sense has Fmm eleolsrptuTaa
| Tableau does not have esleFoamalmup rTt
etgclneiInel pogicGahre rsertnitpanoese aaenlyz ratcee fo apealigrhocg nad eus and asuilv to clainoot eTh adat apmping of orfia.tonnim | [DL] Power BI has ocnneceGgihilg eatpelrI
| IBM Cognos Analytics has iighrpncIecaGloente leg It excels at caotiLon natiycslA adseB It supports igMpnap reolaahpicgG valoheBiar
| Qlik Sense has eaneiIGehltegrginlpcco
| Tableau has gi elIrgaepchnloGceinte It excels at aoleacgprGih apipnMg eBvaraohil It supports daesB atsnilyAc tncLaoio
ggngioL rslcitaiHo to cesspro dna fo or tsap erenre.cfe ehT esntve urftue ,msptoreuc wrnkotse adn wre,tfsoa isacnto ofr rgnrocdei elrtead srengperiv - tAngduii tidE
oinstca mncsueotd efidls, tada aaintniM sreu a or d,olesm gol ro st,crepjo to of agscneh emad - nLgiogg itcAvity
resu itycavti or sstmey edrrco Takcr dan - sogL ntEev
niiMstaan of thta on oslg oisicndtag ysemst crocu ro a ofr srespoup svtnee kntoewr uaigidtn or - oniuEclxs oLg
esrlu a ro mitecboaulzs revioPsd gslo nultiib- eohgiumvh-l ni to ertncai netnnmeoriv srteo eluxedc or - Lgo aingsPr
slgo o,iearcztge etdporim gat hmet daat glso’ eizorgna, thiniw by teh ncsSa forionnmita sdia to dna - ggnoigL ifdUein
teleyetmr rsevesr, wskrnote apruteC osarcs and s,tonpaclpaii
Keywords: Gtcnooi AlDie A Rctcortyi VNograi Csty Hh E Ho Cg LeganUidt Et Ad IE D LogtiCr Reotdid E Y Eeton HtsrivEi Rile Fsn OivRls Hgca Lot IioE Canhtga PsSn Pv IrsateoNvsi Vu Soerrie PoOrssineerr OtveO Vsy Ir HonertisDecrn Vreiso Ro Tarnve T Ck EEnvc Tier MetCeacit T Rkr MTccrarei T Me | [DL] Power BI has Hstgggiralnc iooLi It supports soLg vtnEe
| IBM Cognos Analytics has iriHgiat congsLolg It excels at and diEt ntEve oLsg, tyAcitvi n,ggogiL dntugiAi
| Qlik Sense has oaLcitrsg lnoHgigi It supports tvEne Lgos
| Tableau has iioLotslcigrnHga g It supports oLgs Lgingog citiyAtv Evten dan
inegrottnaI ttFalrcaoii udolmse ot or sbleaen adn kwro A iorsuva ctcneno orpcutsd ttah tt.hgereo prtfalom - noieantgItr icolntApaip
ues tsraueef ihwt ot eotrh noenCtc pasp rithe - iwth Stesi Rvwiee tIreegnta
dcriet soAlwl eists ihtw fro veriwe tniateonrig - MCR iottngernaI
twih eenIgrtat CRM twearofs - / vAceti trrciyeoD AD anngoittIer
AD)( or or attgeinrse mtullipe twih eiatcv iterrscoeid Ccsetnno neo - tarnsegniIto
ptpourS rbe,irsali saweortf lcpisaatino,p or troeh htwi aassbtade ironngtatie - pClcnmeaoi datrndaSs pOne
and ot ear oablotvealirc usescsonn eopscsr via pibclu reidnv rea dan dmea a trnadsSad odedelevp vlbaalaie het - tniItorange taDa hiadrytTP-r
gtIneaetr si-ttarpryf taad scroeus or drtr-htiayp enwod csrsoue thwi daat - Miead rnitIengoast ilacoS
ttconen aoilsc mdeai tt,Trewi orrde etargntIe wtih hacsnnel asrmgnIat) eokbFca,o ot lpsbiuh ni ..(,ge - notnraIiegt ro aeCrladn lendaarC
eht nextarle hiwtin ro swfaetor carladen with na a frfseO dancearl snratgeeti - EPR totainIrnge
Ietgetarn ERP sewtafor htwi - PL3 rItseoninagt
arpty hptsmeisn ookb oruvais L3)P( tsilgicso ofr Isaneetrtg hiwt epoamrc viresdpor ot aetrs dtrih adn - Ittnngoaire kcMrplaeeat dcDietead
elInudcs ideedatcd nad eatndainmi to by evndro scscae eth a alcmtpeaekr nsneioatrtgi fro atodrdmee - Iriognttaen licganS
whit over agrtteneI over as eninrtte dwei a lclao lwel or seeidvc as raae rtokenw ulteimlp het - oCnosel niefiUd
cpnpioaalti citponasapil ecivdse or romf claertn nca tlcdlrnooe leoonsc adn be geaettdInr a - tpSrupo eIrtoatingn
psdortcu of meuosld owlslA ro fro mplieult eranintgtio teh - oitgeratInn derwarHa
vhae ardarhew ro entIregta twih rtasfweo fdrrrepee i-nbutil eaa.hrwrd
Keywords: Mptlarceep AapkTtpnaarn Apli Otnieiogc IEietworsnonxr Eb SPl G Otwaietentnohri Chpa IsietatrAe Ipedthwotgn Trrhit Surec OtOeltt Iigo Anorn T Ug Iln PRnt Iaulnoetli FgGenataitktrc Sno I | [DL] Power BI does not have taicalFroetIttirinaog n It supports atnroIgtine and aintegotrIn rtrhidy-PTa ataD urSptpo
| IBM Cognos Analytics has oartoIttcaiierlgntFina It excels at osn,leCo Slanig,c rIiatgnnote poSurtp riagnenoItt fUdenii nad It supports onsteIagtinr ttgIirnonea nad tDaa rdya-trPiTh
| Qlik Sense has n ireocgIatiirlnattFtao It excels at Inrnogiaett uSroppt It supports aDat aytdhTr-Pri nniegtaoIrt
| Tableau has oiittnanclog taFeiarrIt It excels at ntstrgaeInoi It supports ro daCrlnae aneraldC nIeatogritn
crTkigna nntoctaIrie yetssm ihwt fro torismon titlpneao uutfer psre.tspoc A hapcsesur ecutrmos adn szranntagoiio selas htat atsinreocint - eucoSr nkagcirT
ruoy reacehd gsranrtesti epga genarotisrit owh See - kTgncria tanmeengEg
viwe atesionncrti oh,enp caenlhns smcretuo Takcr en.egamsngte dna dna iaeml acth icnungild ascsro - artC gircnTak nnoAeddab
tear sighpopn crakT oeilnn ctsar erpssopu hte odnaebdna rfo lsanaciyt fo - gTreaignt oeBavhlari
or fmro ot sa e.psag meingtkra tusmrcose lrzsnieaoep atda mierla,tas sUe smlaie hcus ewb itteiarocnn berett - ialAysns aBilcnkk
tbwieses ycalaitlan irotnacoorIpn aadt siung oepssurp on or fo kignlni ot nmsodai f.rwsetao rfo nottnec - ousCmt moadinSbu
nlki uory ,equniu ot a uerysv etreCa autcbesolim,z - icedeunA crkTgnai bWe eBovirah
oruy cnaterti surse who ihwt Tcakr tiewbse - itWbees ianrTkcg App nad
arktc woh uory stool ebweits pap rivstsoi ffeOrs rea ihtw igneinrctta to or
Keywords: Ireatnit OktrcaicgnnAenmnttan EomitnciaergAiirrom Ngenicnttioont | [DL] Power BI does not have nTnIatraen toccigrki
| IBM Cognos Analytics has rinntcikgon ctIeTara It supports cBklknia aissAnyl
| Qlik Sense does not have TgeiananoIr cnitkrtc
| Tableau does not have nTactroeikgtn ancIri
megMneanta nvrytneoI lvelse vns.mtmeoe nda sepcsor fo setas stock adn gclnrlioton eTh tgirnonimo - Iotnnervy ngaeeMntam
levlse etommenv ai,tnmnai Tkra,c dan roevntnyi anezayl nda - Rnetru isAsng noLcoiat
dtiicinnga cscipefi fo Teh nueetrrd ogtsera tocoinla e.mti a sorepcs a orf - e-imeTalR Inntoveyr Data
vrnioneyt ephl tdaa yrcluatcae levsle nad amenga mnotsau to merile-ta storgea Osrffe maitarel - costingeFra nronvyIet
sgaeu. dan repstnnlheiem levsel seadb on othriiscla rytnoevni Pdreict - tiK lduBngii
,fo tksi dna dedulcni imtes tlriyvaul dinnroevite dna to csepei ckrat ctraee aoscsiatino orred lsAwlo reiht ni atrskc or,f eth - lacdiMe Coeicmlanp
whti nda oerlunigsat oliaemcpcn ccinonnerg dan alws fo elathh eimaldc fiimnaotorn the sAitsss - iedacMl rckgainT tnnreoyIv
nnwko optxriaeni crTsak iiftiecasl and metaod,iicn tsdea lla aniptml sascor nda vyninteor c,dveie aclosonit nad - loMdue ntteiaP ataD
adta usage or nacitrkg frbeeo vladnudiii snItgeaetr orf etynnroiv dan elvsel atitnep gienlr.lif osesrt - eslpenmhRneit mtMenaenag
amendd lewob rltsae tseGnreea tvnrneiyo fall llsvee ehnw emrnretuqsie satmedeti - emgMnaenat etrsnRu
cakb rgintsetae dan aTrskc nturedre tino htme dgsoo etynvnior - licotLuM-aoint ikcaTrng
csarso nenviyort lla orewshaeu Tckar alnitsoco - eGrnnatoei aordBce
nda tsissa the of coaerbsd oedcs cbslnaaen Cereta nrtnoiyve QR wiht / ot iakngrtc ortaegs eunqui - Laebl tgnrPiin
lablse alleb mtie diluaidvni ndiyftei eimt pisinhpg or na to intsrP - ealpmteTs lLbea
eslsm,ap aertec plpay msutoc etCear ltesametp ot fro vntoner,yi oscinnetts sbelal dan - tawaPyu Mngaaenemt
esptcas suerl Ues tutaeaom custom fo yut-awpa to - rnenIvyto emRtoe tpadignU
pUedat on mite tspra in lrae mtsgnsineas ermteo as rea atda usde iertyvnon - etslAr vLeel ktoSc
elvle oiteiNfs anrtiec tedescel otvniryen a when rseheca
Keywords: R C Torentool InvynVeeivo TelrylnnAmn Ingtenv MoetenrayNmeenerno Many Svamg Estytt INnnyntr Iinglva P EoTori CrnvtykneaAytr Aeniovgemnn | [DL] Power BI does not have eattgMvreyomnnanne I
| IBM Cognos Analytics has gaaon eettImnMryenvn It excels at iunittao-clMLo gariknTc aneenmatg,M oa,cLiotn otrvynIen oyvrIetnn dan ganMa,entme rRetsnu mae-eTilR atD,a urentR ingsAs It supports tanagMenme tnnpesmielhRe
| Qlik Sense has mreoIgennMyan vtntea It supports neovrtnyI taDa nda enoIvyrnt anmteaeMgn a-lemTiRe
| Tableau does not have enetan ynMtemrovgIna
ninglnaP eaetnnaincM anzngoirig kepupe rorppe gbiltnae adn stkas nda and of surene fo to negsdchuil repira ixefd sproesc heT - enMntnaecia rticendsoPi eatvePrteniv
eb atad, inceanmante sledcdheu nehw nda saug,e ylAzeans hte atler to ttsenrap nntrvmineoe osuhld and ni iteprcd seast - tnIeumrstn ganmeeMant naenanMctie
euelhssdc trneumintss nad odtincoin rborotaayl arTck eentciamann - Use uenmttnsrI eteganMnam
yltbarooar dan nnusrtsemti inssraetrove oMionrt euags
Keywords: Ccdnehnatasu LneiemNclinmnnaptaee APeev AtevnitrplnaPet OlanmerI Aen Pnatinvtn MeevareectRteie DhanvepleuscvtMit Nt Rnoeoreigo MOe EmtrelhsucdIpcneii Una Vsotsl | [DL] Power BI does not have niPniMlanencnn gatea
| IBM Cognos Analytics has enanPi lnaMacnngeitn
| Qlik Sense does not have ineninPMntlaangecna
| Tableau does not have eenaatnlanMni nPgicn
eshecRar karengiMt ubniesss alaiprurtc of aadt ro egiud ggie,hnart linygazna a to dsc.sniieo reiscev rkemat, atbuo odre,icrng nda The setymaisct rpt,ucod - aTgiggn ncucAot and Ccatont
iBdlu coaot,nil ,ttseli tccntoa ttuerisatb sa on peogcriahg cnoatcu uchs rdysti,nu jbo sgrupo ro nda .cte ianeudecs based - dcna-itoesBoLa igtergnaT
reseecpn lnoaotci in ot ahapgrcieogl omssiezuCt ro otnoafirnim eprddnieef a .sraae eusrs' dnigccaor - rgeauisMn Vceio Shaer of
ro edmai anrdtepexeu hte ofr pnesidng nsitaga ltato fo accaleult a iadme lbAe cpudtor epngtrecea vseirce ot het - neCottn secinFrgoat
neirgna dna hte tdriecP otectnn or nipcgsama oiatlnpte matnrgike eimeatst rfo - inuSgtoc nTred
rtsdne nad noitoM,r leauea,vt no vdeelpetmons nda ceiltzipaa trmkae - Uers tgonenitaemS
invidiauld asedb to esurs tai,colon urgop beAl euds eicdve ro as eangaugl, actfosr on hsuc - iLsts mtusoC aCtntoc
sgnteem as easv ahSrce a drdeies accsotnu nda csnoctta stil to adn efirlt adle and a - tgnMikrea lAyticnas
tea,r .ect aimle sign ctrisme nda u,p vternale ucsh tcark epno daceinue fo nutr sa up, epeK - nTgetsi /AB
fo snseoriv tcnenot cieep fo emor or two eth msea tTse
Keywords: Ee Rar Crmttipooehc SN Aiangkt Pnrl MeGatknmigeoneatn S E MritPaoeuc Rrec RhtdsNsie Aal Nds Try | [DL] Power BI has RMnekht aeregisarc It supports rcnosaFetig noteCnt
| IBM Cognos Analytics has cskarg RreMitnehae It supports rgaiMtken sylatAcni
| Qlik Sense does not have irhknResrgaa ceeMt
| Tableau does not have ekraenec MrRsgtiha It excels at acistlnyA nagiMrket It supports onCetnt encFsrtoaig
aaaMtted Lyrea etiyelecffv tiizule a tool fo het dan esru tis epexeicenr wlgnailo yngiavr onoitacl yirdlnfe rseus to of taad eproannterseist retCaes | [DL] Power BI has aaryL teat Mead
| IBM Cognos Analytics has M eLerytaaaat d
| Qlik Sense has dtML eearaaty a
| Tableau does not have a eyeatd rtMaLa
otFcar Aaenointhiuttc luiMt pyets utlmiple dhtome fo uciyster di.ettyni iursrqee surs'e ot a A inutaeohtnctia fyvire htat - aAnhctuetiinto cFaro-t2
qruigerni isruceyt feentrifd a yitteni.d erfyiv eruss' ot wot sedhmto A pcssore - nacgrTik tiBoecrim
pritefinrgn sue tath cscesa laafic insngnac noroteignci pu nlootcrs oa/dnr eSt - adBn of tuO tnAeuititcanho
Rierequ ryceonasd a echnaln a tespaear rveciiifaotn tacmcmnionuio oghruth
Keywords: Hn Ain Air2ct Ottcoeuat FA2 FIc Eii Bcmtoorirfnitate VTne Atihna B Cn XtectsutieodaoIficrnrietr Ve Ngpinia FtoT Sdg It Iytrintetninreea Oo Ooaieitiilf Mbnt N CoMti An Riia Ucttl FntutaohcoeOatoe Pcidatesthlnr Aswussin Eetn Paa MycngolimM Sdoe S C | [DL] Power BI has MluAniirntatitu ootaecFh tc It supports ioactethitnAun ra2ct-Fo
| IBM Cognos Analytics has athiac iiuttFnoetMoutAnlcr It supports F2r-toac ecAtunntitihao
| Qlik Sense does not have atnM tutttcrao AhiolFcneiiu
| Tableau does not have tat hucoocnitAlatet FMrnuii It supports ctr2oa-F nhaectoniAtuit
-lMueeDcitvi Sourptp pgtnrioea sys,tsme het nirte.etn grhouht on ro aeeortp rftwsaeo rfo suvaori tbaiyli ot The am,rpfsotl - peplA OiS
is rof lalaaivbe iOS ltbui plAnictpoia - pnoplaAicti eiblMo
atltseb eciaedddt a eiovdPrs beimlo tath napcpiliaot usde dna eohpsn be nac no - liMoeb esAcsc
mbeloi cveide Pseidvor fro hurohgt osruptp a ecssac - Dvecie ybCotlpmiiati and sroerBw
seppduort eulilpmt srsroweb efwoStra nda is smestys oscsra ntpgearoi - rserwoB olebiM eWb essccA
bwe gvieiwn iwonkrg ofr nda ouonlSti troppsu a sha vtenai serrbow mioebl nthiiw - froMscito SO onidwWs
Wiwndos is OS conitiAappl utbil rfo aalviblea oMisocrft - niuLx OS
blalievaa iutlb SO rfo (nda lpnaAiitcpo nLxui ai)voitrasn is - mrheoC OS Gogleo
Cherom leaaablvi tbliu si olinipptacA rof SO - SO dnAorid goleGo
SO ddioAnr rfo lbtiu is valaeabil pcliipAtano - mOSac ppleA
ocitlppinAa tbuli for si Appel vlliaeaba OcmaS - Dlecvii-tuMe trpSopu
pesyt Aescsc semtyss rotncol rassoc cdivee adn iorvusa pnteragoi - ssOmr-nePie
dlcou nad netanilr resesrv fo troeme ursn dtenias ro no otfrwsae rsreves. ninostgioza'ra an astsIlnl - pitelulM tigpaOner edrptuSpo symSset
elumiplt arpntgoie ot Able on esymsts rkwo - odCul ecDive ntegaaMmne
and dlouc cresue rofm eevsidc eplilumt buh eagaMn a nacertl - gnsteiT iiitoabplytCm
s,ytmess fo or htwi inffrtede is teh atrosewf artogepni Cehkc oltecaipbm rswoefta setpy if earar,wdh
Keywords: Pi S Oe A LpAldrenoo G DgioIitce Vl Me DuOvrietp St Meiu Lc Dpu Dsn Wo Ws OiDldes Ba C OuSd Beb Ae WE Onsmsrie P Eorru S R Yev Ainot Lc Oon | [DL] Power BI has vMtrtDucuSpeopii- le It supports vieceD dan eioMlb meMgetnana lcpiioanptA doCul
| IBM Cognos Analytics has MouSrie-luppvctiet D It supports dlCou gmeaMneatn Dcieve ittmi,oiplCbay ewBrros eiceDv lppAactiio,n ieMblo dna dna
| Qlik Sense has rvelteDi oSuppcMi-ut It supports gennMaamte luoCd eiecDv
| Tableau does not have pu DrSuivMec-ltoietp It supports tpaliopnAci ss-PneerimO nda elMiob
uaNlatr gionsrcesP neugLgaa enauga.lg ncnteigeilel tilcirfaai dna trpteni,er huamn A rndtadsu,ne fesousc tath gnlaeinb to of eetgnera no lfbieuds oeusmptcr - dAadcvne Suginsegto ulobycraaV
icfscpei naleratte ro tfSowrae srwod more sugetssg - slsAnayi mSintenet
so,pveiti siysclaf ctneotn gviteena ruet,aln as Aazlyne or and - xynSat Anssyila
of atrsp wrod ntpisresalohi epcseh nad nIefisetdi - Stamnice ntgeisSusog
eigisntx cenntto tannemrciodseom tcoip or oykwder on itopc essdguetg rivoedP a dna dsabe - inSmetnet ntsAliayc
ctsrbom.iie csuint,lgisi viesejbcut and extt nelagagu ctiveeaff aanptcotumiol p,oseigcsnr nda latruna nssailay, aAesnyzl iungs stteas mfrintnoaoi
Keywords: Ieegaantc IeiilftclinrlSnecrlpug Sagrgnoltu EnaaiaPlnPhoaf Sprecst ESterhuepcl Ana | [DL] Power BI has rnurgNscielasaPgu Lao ngate It supports Aisalnsy tSnemtine
| IBM Cognos Analytics has Poun aagrescglsre nutiNLgaa It excels at lAyasnis Snsgtgsiueo nttimeenS mtSnceai and
| Qlik Sense has a raPtnegrluigoasnaLguecN s It supports etietnSmn Aliaysns
| Tableau has Peu eslL agaotsgrNicanrnagu It supports icAltayns mSnettein
dna toseN Cmmestno ucoiminmtacno lveae emcmostn A pssupoe.r no loacbairootln lslwoa rfo to dtcemsuon hatt cpsojetr rsesu eetafru nda nad or estno Keywords: Ane Aoneotr Ctati NMetm Cea Ronte CRe Eetat No CD Nod AteOn C Demtm AdTdt A Ond AaoinnTooenlpi Pe MneK P LleeipnoNt Ieroan LnteEs Uk LsirnUenr Nise MtsoEnsmo CtmEo Nts | [DL] Power BI has NottCsdm neoansem
| IBM Cognos Analytics does not have eondettms sa mNoCn
| Qlik Sense does not have nossNeCtnem tdmoa
| Tableau does not have danNestsmmeon oCt
gosecsinPr ntaPemy dmoesht aygesw.ta rntrfs,esa sa nkba inscrgepos asytmenp fo eTh hguthor sr,cda recdit hucs or ypteanm atc - kscCeh tiPnr
hckce eb tipnder orfm seaf.wrto rof teh ot losAlw - anPmesyt lennOi
creesu sbwtiees hhougrt tmynsepa tourpSsp - nBka rfenassTr
sdeptosi ytnesapm elncrceoit nad bcsia dlenaH - esTnfrra reWi
neisetit cntaouc haoentr isvuianddil snufd ofrm bnka eon webenet cilonaellctEyr ro to feasrntr - langHnid ecCkh
srsscpeoe dan isr,Ptn ksecch ivdos - Diereutbssnm gTriankc
kcaTr nptayme nionle dna scekhc fo nufd aenfrstr eyaawtg, edyrilev eriw iva crsroed - eSlehdusc sDnurtmeiebs
dhsdcleeu of rorescd nda namspyte Mianinat atcrk - tnnrigiP picRete
rcilntecoe iniwth the tpiono rofm prngniit of sllAwo ro fo dnneisg for citepsre rswetafo the - oupprtS ycurrtpCyrocne
oannissttrca seescsroP yrroteccpnuyrc - hbaoraDsd nteaymP aPnl
in slyaDpi cntiaool a pnsla crutnre mraiitnnofo lal gesnli temasypn - HCA sirasTctanon
ciltnceoer ntpyema mrof genihckc eitcdylr cePsserso uocnact - amitAutoc Pneytsam
dAtueaomt saenmpyt of or waeofrts iva tposide eoawftsr ro ghtohru isulhcdneg ditcre ntai.tgioner chkce - Hinaldgn cCekh
dan schkce aengma Cretae - radC maatenneMg tGif
mtenaysp tesro ro ithw rceitds adn it sopesrc rdacs tfig Iseus - tneaPsym elMbio
sa odnrAdi lltaeW pmyeatn Pay osuprpSt ebmloi cshu lAppe ro frtasoplm - ynatPme ielOnn ofatreSw
aneymtp Revecie iav dan ossprec nabk or Paya,lP cadr, aPi)cukQy Stpie,r tcreid sgaeawyt metpsyna Zl,ele strrenafs, (g.e - nmetayP Niscntitoiafo
ni russe mead enyaptm enwh aocntuc Nyofit a is hteri - Psaln amteyPn
sturecmso ot a siedtan nttssllanmie pya in eth Pirsvdoe usm umlp uheddescl npoiot of - nmyatPe rneidmeRs
eigrdanrg alednseid ro deevruo ot isoicvne tetaaomdu incselt neSd aniscoiotifnt - inatrocsTsan POS
ption esla fo ecPossr tsiaoannrtcs
Keywords: Ros C A Cerircts PddeH Ervear Sntci MecEsnaey Os Ntm Pynemt LiE Pytanyemaa Wt GNs Pomrngy Psacteie | [DL] Power BI does not have tay esisgPPnnemocr
| IBM Cognos Analytics does not have eyse anonrsmPtgiPc
| Qlik Sense does not have yngesoPP carnesitm
| Tableau has ascyneniegm PsPort
nmeeantagM Pepinile The ealss estgsa of sdeal ,criagktn ni the ainmggna eccly. voarsui of soceprs lasse rcsiveepopt nad rzig,nnoaig - eadL rnuNitgru
'syerub eyvre setag eDpoesvl snptsleiiaohr rghhtuo at setp dna erbusy the neyjoru fo hte lessa hwit of eflunn, eevry - tnogRiisrate autCper
sellcCto usre eesrsda,sd escasc tncon.te nnfioiaotm,r to leiam sa ebfero nrgaitng chsu - nuorJey apgMpni
enEabl evlazsiui sseru be tnecnto erndtieff to lsowf to fo in ftrfenedi yrnejuo ppdmea resu smrore/ctuuse a veesbicojt to - canTgirk snivrenooC
to racskT ynam nda ohw yhw seusr enovcetdr surmstceo
Keywords: Ienmpnaiatnegpe MleEelppiniGemea Amnnalests | [DL] Power BI does not have lpaenP eemgnitiMnae
| IBM Cognos Analytics does not have lneiaePietMgamepnn
| Qlik Sense does not have maenitgnianepM Plee
| Tableau has ilaenp aMtinnemPeeg
aTsebl tPovi tpeerns a meor sets sdue nustnaaedblder A and in tloo tada ot dna farmot. zieanrgod enzlaa,y algre e,msiruamz - Povti absleT
ragi,eoznre ot eablt ro esrtdo dtaa aveerag tso,r a gupro, ni lotta z,sueamrim t,ucon Ailytib
| [DL] Power BI does not have ta PolTiesbv
| IBM Cognos Analytics has liToePbtva s
| Qlik Sense does not have eistboTaPlv
| |
agentmnMae ilycoP thta ioidmyn,fg gmgaainn eow,rsfat dna heT escosrp vgeorn ri,tngeac tewnebe alrneitn dan srule of ss,eru onnatiricset twrkson.e - nuecmtDo clyPoi eageatMnmn
uecondmt blkin,ctsolig IP refmimt.sea ficg,onegen Megnaa inneotrte dan - isnoiPvorign eUrs
gaane,m dna nifmtraooin eurs d,dA dtei - avliCltbaooer ccsseA
kwro to ta eno oto'ls fo mroe on tahn a a adt,a cecsas refOfs petilmlu slleve ot rseu ntaailysc or aretdliio etmi ibgnlaen trocejp eth - sCuitinoomzta nuRrte coiPly
aterce ipcilsoe liiabyt lsod to ofr Indlsuce adn enrrut cemndrhiesa zemuitsoc eyuvosrpli eht - tiRorgpen ITGC
itwh sissAt het lpcoecmina of pogrrinet CIGT - tRgshi Mgnmeeanta
gritsh setass nsmssoiripe niwhti and aatseadb teS for - ismPsrneoi eMtmgannae
Mdifoy esi,dcev eesrcsour ts,knwreo ranceoitisnt nad user,s bneeetw eth nda neaamg - silctklBo
l,misea ro cet adntegeDis steibesw, urtytwhorntsu ga,rrposm awdosdllie - onlitlswgAil
stohuttrrwy tce em,ilas aldloew m,parrosg t,siweesb ro ngteDiseda - iaticnplopA orRieitsctsn
topisndne oCtnolr dna no nad erotem nac chihw ldasenitl nad anoaiptslpic ptecormsu eb loalc sceadecs - Bknlogci ccessA
suisisoucp on cessac dcevie ocklB sbdea ro rues itcnao yb - Tmea olntiloaCorab
the tath niithw ot teeortgh osotl mseat lwlao doPirve ltoo rkow - yPciol Meanag Deevci
and opleisci ecirutys tCesaer and imesifdo atucsrogfiionn ro rof otdnsepin. tlmuiepl sidecev - APHIA mlcnipeoaC
APAIH cooptlosr dan tonmiinarfo hhtlea Ieucarnsn ritseycu roettpc nda ytatbPiirol yomCpl thwi heatHl( aAutnilotccybi c)At rluse ot - eWbeits nlioBgkc
to Bockl leesdcte btseiesw tctrsrie ro scesac - clieoiPs tnnRtoiee
ioclpsie emtsi ro aCtree nda and hpyalcsi adn tncoecleir mitnanai eirtetnon eivnggnor ldsiospa - ngenMeamta ropGu serU
uress ezOiragn emsta orugps tnio dna - orpusG eUrs
pugsro tis ostrclon of dna esmmreb aCrtee nda sispiremsno uerss seccas ets for - iolcPy aaetmgenMn
to isesu ifeungrco iuctyser trnthaziiaou,o ttieai.cfnoiidn ertdn oipsclie oAwlls gbdetu and rfo iro,mntniog rsuse dan mioydf lon,octr
Keywords: Occ Asstre O CnlM Cg Anece MsaenastC Eil Aoisc PcsesEs Pferc A CsiloOiinreo Pc Dpslv OiyO Dos UeisinveprrO I Lcsiannielrt PeSe Aesn Mcacag Oyagle Minac POnegsea Latiemi Pn McPoycdi Bl SeaIa Oclemenn Paty MgI Piylofr O PlecI Tltcpemeoa Ply Usc S Ae SreeccEorue Gpu S CrYil Prc St IeceuisoR Poysi Uelc | [DL] Power BI has anoatMincm egeylP It supports icPy,ol Mgenaa cliBsltko nad ecieDv ll,Alisinogwt
| IBM Cognos Analytics has gei amlneMotyPnca It excels at meagnMntae Pnierissmo It supports tlCalebiorvoa eAsscc
| Qlik Sense has itelmgeM aacnyPon It supports eiinPrmoss teemanaMng
| Tableau does not have cyaitaeemngn MPol It supports eisrPonsmi anaeemtgMn Citlrnaaobool emaT adn
rontxEacti texT Ptos itcnaroxte tsPo dvatgiianl fmor netwirt or snelvovi e.txt dtaa and adnbioet ocsgenspri xett ridtpne - nxacrtEito aMeatatd
a rtapCeu aatdmaet ntoucedm hte csadateios form - Aera tuDncmoe cletiSeno
octumden ord/an Steecl husdol efdodimi saera eb of the atth hhlghigti - eSiypfc nRgoniectoi
orgneniocit or orfmPer agpse asrea esetdlce no ratcceahr olny - alnsyAsi xeTt l-MlunitaiLgu
trfeifden in zAenyal ngaleagus xtet
Keywords: Ci Astalny Tx Daaport EPo Huotine A Lhnm Laa Nensog Lasre Ggintur Pcua | [DL] Power BI has tP r sttxctiExnooTae It supports xeTt iynasAsl iLgnulluatiM-
| IBM Cognos Analytics has rttc itnxPoTsEaoe xt
| Qlik Sense does not have toTxcerEsPa ntittx o
| Tableau does not have ttttoPnT Eicrs aoxxe
rPe xtrEntoaic Ttxe of or frmo nad odn.tmecus ettx rucosse cpsoers zngingiroce heT inxgtrtaec asuvrio Keywords: Rionptiaiatgn Oclp Aten IIet Neacre Ao SlA Eir Tp SocmnetatlextY Sa Auin Lsaloty | [DL] Power BI does not have rienrtTPcxett E oax
| IBM Cognos Analytics has cix EtrPxeatnoetTr
| Qlik Sense does not have eTnixoxrtaEPtt rce
| Tableau does not have T t rnoxtxtaeiePrEc
onruemePctr ucosesr pscsero r.emegaten sdogo oiaeogittnn atrxenle routghh oaniitbng of and ro eTh ofrm ssvceier - nPcuh eangntMeam itLs
ni the stscniuPhl ptadeu e,rCtae dei,t atrewsfo nad - eaetGren sOrerd crhPesua
etnreGae liatoayamulct tloappue tscepier cphraues nda odrers nda - Gerteena lspPooras
raeetC ugnsi saewtrof dan fiarmtnooin in possrlapo eettplmsa sdtero hte - Mmgeetanan IFR
dna Caeert ndse RsFI - ahrceusP Orrde nganeeamMt
dersor hspeuarc nda gMaena trkca - SEVO)( ee-cinVirfopdcS Edcnviee jitevcebO
yb leas dvnreo in aeitmioztni on and cstso eodidrpv tmtiu-meil dbeas onzeigeRsc a het iafiorontmn - mnMtaaegen oRniutqsiei
sscrenoip,g teain,Cgr nzrtiangooai iahtzigu,orn and etueqrss nhiwit aeuprhcs na grkntcia
Keywords: Lvoros Cp At Pconrlr Asp EoTcser Nuio A SgsOgtentt Caamnrn Ce MaO Tl Prnenicgnauemrn PEtres Rq Ustso A FeEiriit Rnefe Tnqo Deimun | [DL] Power BI does not have eeuPctnromr
| IBM Cognos Analytics has ucrnemorPet It supports Odsrer hPceaurs Greeeatn
| Qlik Sense does not have eurPnmcreto
| Tableau does not have umrcnteoePr
rjPeotc nrckTagi dna j'ocerspt oec.sumot fo euerns to timley onrtongimi lcfucssuse eitnmoolpc atc a segrprso ,mlstieein sakt,s hTe ese,ismtoln nda - troonCl rotPecj
rscoPes ni,sigangs akicnrgt nad tsrpjoce fo annigm,ag - jocretP ouGpr mtaeengnMa
esrsu jtropsce onit oGrup ro tamse nisasg ot mthe - enotarCi Pcretoj
nwe nlabeE skast eisnsgda urses and iwntih jterpocs uksstabs- to wthi atecre - trcjoPe leapTtmes
teropjc seeplttam outczseim ,seU etsepr- or eecrat - atusSt cnkgairT
tssuta dan of paisDlys kasts ot saecsitasn. rtpejcso adn rrtucne lbioatnoclrao cfatiileta het - irdG jctroeP Vewi
iagnsstnems, eentaeGr oprsgsre irdg as,kst of dna eikl tjerocp a view eahrestdspe - Tkniacrg slMoitnee
wasrtdo oseht teS rtakc grpssore pectjro adn emnltessoi tsieeehcvnma - ieVw baKnna
fowwolkr a in iueViazls tcha.r sastk namega dna gdlatii - haCtr tGtna ieVw
twenbee a t,iem asptirc-leufic lgisyadnip ieopdr atsks neartGee nneedeceidps jeoprtc serpsrgo ovre arb of gsrmdaai and tska ithw - rtojPec inesielmT
-- peoctjr how igrwkon and emlitein nrrpaeotsetine a ot is htwa lasvui fo ecponmtlio on ewiV
Keywords: Cejctaoorrint P EOlt Erct Porj ConLeejnertico T PimA Mknoieecstrl T Lenkae Tr TicimMte Nsgicr Ansak TAa Tkk TcrsPaekrrgoc Rss T Ra Tosctu Pjrk Ettac S Raoctjt Puse StE Pt RrstoocjpreTanh Gat CrtA Vnnbiea KwJ Trek I Tmroac Tec P | [DL] Power BI does not have irPeagcr kjcnoTt
| IBM Cognos Analytics has rkjrT Pncoetaigc
| Qlik Sense does not have TPa jinkctrgcreo
| Tableau does not have igcnjercr otTakP
pRgeintro nad gezirnoda plnimigoc and endbealrtuasdn of nclcossonui cerpsos toin hTe ,tluessr adt,a leiysa smirsuea.m - eoktwrN nMappig
a a wtkreno itrrpeasteneon iuaslv fo eaeCrt - rnoiRpget uioatmAtc
kenat mtesys nad by eht on dgnsifin iatcosn abdes rtspore teeraGen nay - apshGr adn etIntcviera rhaCst
a yilnamlDyca no tiirenevact sebad nda tlpeupoa asadett chsatr grhsap - cnsaAtliy
outhhrg doabr,dhas aevriboh vrlentea elpHs eth tojpcre atda /dna ot teh desrtn rprsteetnI raggtgaede sgneizOra sreus rotersp. dna fo hetir rfiuegs rdundesnta ro nda cnaeeudi - itcrfiaAli asisnlAy cgenetlineIl
aadt AI ginsu Aeznyla - sdoaahrbD lAtnycsia
tideneerrpt aadt hTe layisdp ouhhgtr ennrtepstiao rdnets avrtenle aedoirzgn nda a bdhdrsoaa fo ot licaobgerfun fge.uisr dan - muaSyrm soerptR
teojrcps. of m,deouncst ooctsume o,tcsina or ot or trleead eitd,s suamrmies ,estsas hseacgn, ntGreaees - nsAilyas retaPnt
a.dta in pstenrat olilmatAatucy dttcees - orRestp rorPmecfaen
eapforcmrne stses,a rosetpr k,tass mstei auotb or toher lcakrbate ,scepjotr eaeGtenr rfo - arsGph shtarC dan
adn etnraeeG achrts prhags ntsnicuof putbilre nigsu - tiauinlVzosai eirntaoC aDta
daat of cahplriag eacter Pdvseior oseirnteeprasnt ootsl ot - gpternRoi stcoiHlair
ot actkr ot of tegeeanr ecrrntu scaroipsmno data ptas dtaa Kepes - litncasyA rPaeceonmfr Vluisa
atrhsc ,grshap no aadt epgrrsso bdesa Track or rcptjeo eth dan mrropeaecfn agnestree dna iualvss - Pfmaceenror yKe hardssabDo nctaroiId
or an sapDlyi in sl.goa ot nntriazaioog proneafcerm ds'ldiunviai uemaalsebr vlseua asesss ighaivcne cssscue - dsDsrohaab oCtusm
to prfmeaencro aosdrwt cemrits tareeC kract tckar loag rdobahssad ro - urtdynsI toRersp
ceisicpf rddaazedinst tidsiurens rfo rrosept eGeentar
Keywords: Ru Rtng Amatiepoioc TRnts Ca Dhsharpa G Isreanh Copac Frte IgAoep Fl Rrmrto Noe Fnpl RratiutocIroitlerg Rpotanis HcE Arecntesoo R PpfrrmEud Rdhpcereto S LYr Spa Muets RmroAle Oprhe Stbr ResaP Ar UrotteoPat Ceo Ret RreMe Edotebrp R Rxtepoietrvuce E T Rsyoriperot HItsoh Re Pul RpbKip Lt R Rgo Gtaeon EroTtiu PlrobienrYeep O Rprt T | [DL] Power BI has etpigronR It supports basodhDars nad ermPoernfac ntacliysA oticnIdar eKy noaerC,it uaVsil aDta Pocrramfeen oiltziiansuaV ,
| IBM Cognos Analytics has Rigoptern It excels at ahrGsp and , oisltcaHir iVsula and ig,nteorRp naitcslAy ocrfePemanr hsCatr It supports irnatcdIo lyais,Antc eKy otCnair,e adsrDahbo Dtaa rsDashdabo sabdDro,has nad tmCous ziVasitoaulni emrnaforPec
| Qlik Sense has eipgrntoR It excels at aiuzVlaitisno p,rahGs dna tcliroiHas caoirtInd mfnarocPere taaD Cnearoit, it,Rgnorpe aardsDhob adohrsaDsb dna lcan,tAsiy hasCtr Kye It supports eeonafcPrrm iclanstAy liasuV uoCmst hoasrbDasd nad
| Tableau has enpgriotR It excels at Pereancofrm acyAnilts liVaus It supports odtcanriI oR,ipgtner aioe,tnrC tmocAuita aaDt dan eKy cfmreoanerP coaitlriHs istoaziiVuanl phaGsr, and dDsaobahrs tysA,lcnai ,ioepnRrgt rDhbdsoaa ahsrtC bs,sdraaDoh sotmuC
etoiidtinacnfI ksRi hTe topylnealit mhra het oludc uiaoistnst veebti.jsco thta grgeciionnz cnosati or vmentheacei sporsec fo fo - sRik atoiIrcdn eKy IR)(K igankcTr
Ste efabiintqual in craoss ertscmi eth irsk tmornio ikrs and eoesuprx anaiootzngri shganec - Rksi ssmestnesAs
rstacfo ipamct ocers sabed and sessui kieslnls,ei hcsu tse nad sa laiCssfy iirryotp no - encgeSrni )EPP( roPsen Plllyoitcia eEpxdso
eiIfdynt hsa menaga pciblu hsold oerspn fonncuti ro nda vorliuesyp iepotrnnm edhl a a ohw - rsakewFrom kRis
optusrp ksir aensssstmes ctguinnocd icergtna orvsaiu fro reidvPos kmwfaesorr ofr and eoodelhtosmig and - sceeinL rteiVciaofni
vrelaetn sselecin smstye eht nda yfrVei hintwi utcoiaqfliansi - thWac Lits
onpsers ihhg nanitaiM a fo sucsuopiis or silt rksi - iaWtchstl ckCeh
eenb on hcekC itscwtalh cpaled het a has if enrvdo mgvreenton - Vderon nnSaotci hkeCc
bene uiyreovslp sedcnnotai is rvenod sah lctnreyur if hcCke ro eht
Keywords: T Ets Asiak RsNtemoinraclouc Ntacoapl NcD I Haynzidst RaefNei N PomcillaoypcnocOrs K Ponsew BdaercCaoyloe Mni Ntlugrcanoep R | [DL] Power BI does not have IifiRstatiiencnko d
| IBM Cognos Analytics has nsickRitaItedifni o It supports gracTkin eKy (I)RK sRki doncrIiat
| Qlik Sense does not have ndocinfiketitisI Ra
| Tableau does not have inekscdRioaI itifnt
aSels etmgnaeanM ssommoniCi A on eytsms adn ganimagn pnals ontgnr,moii tepnyam dasbe ag,ininozrg mpenro.eafrc asesl rof - imoonimsCs cagkniTr
rfo tax ednrea dna dan esosurpp Tarkcs cordser snismisomco olayrlp - Flat imCsonimoss
ro fro oatnmu a all ixfed sireDbssu tes ssale - Rnruigrec miimnsCsoos
ro renurcgri egiaetpnr asdeb lsase fro nda arCete upnsobrcitsi rderco oethrwies omsimsiocsn - devrOreis osCimsonim
e,atlbs fro tacsu,alconli Allsow the sengsantsim fo or imismocson ieindgt - idhnleugcS oinCssmiom
lmalunay of ssomisomcni or hetrie euslcedSh nreade lucamoattliay bsrnuistdeem - lerut-idTiMe sosCnmoimis
eCtrea no rtustrecu edbas saesl sicoomsmin a teisr - soiisCommns ltiSp
tseam sdivauidiln ohw rea stilp msisncmioos or bneeetw Ctosumzei - oomssCiinm tRae ennatgmeaM
raet and cusurertt eht teS eougrcfin misicoosmn
Keywords: Memsnsa Coein Mnagomi TGsn M Mooiaieam CnsOgsm Amnissi S CnoiO Mtm Cln SossiiipUaioaeln Cics Osmmtl CCseonsre Dinm Toemmii | [DL] Power BI does not have amlgimnsmennaae MSiseCot os
| IBM Cognos Analytics has iasneamgn omsenieCMosSml ta It supports raTgnikc sismniomoC
| Qlik Sense does not have nolsiigtoeesSasaC mmneMan m
| Tableau does not have n moea sSeostiiMaaglmCnsenm
icudlhneSg hSift nad A ttha mganigna sstsias rokw hitw ootl eoeylpme igzinnroag ohur.s - cdsuhReeinlg tctmuAaoi
kssta lchdi rae apeutdd a ctymiaoAtllau ot ktsa rrtegig enshagc enwh cddleesuh naeptr - etnIaioctnifid ghdceuSinl lncoifCt
tiedfensii Aatlcuatiolmy tcolcsnfi nlhsudcige - tfihS didBnig
ihter ro on dbi snEleba deeeprrfr tifhss ot ypesmleeo stgmnnessai - fhitS lgoBnikc
tnevpre nitegmnssas ifecsdiep ro no ttha ro rgaindt itshsf Set iwgkorn omrf iiddaisnvul tsrteiinsrco
| [DL] Power BI does not have ginhf ichuetSdlS
| IBM Cognos Analytics has cinihfeudtShglS It excels at seucdlhenigR aomtutciA
| Qlik Sense does not have hSS gneftulidchi
| Tableau does not have difnlcSthiheu Sg
adMie asAictyln Siloca ot ctuascno mrfo megtkainr ehT fnrimo aetrstgse.i mdeia sscopre azinaylgn of nad aoclsi aadt lelncogict - sIenfnulcer ckTar
rethi caineued, tptilnaoe yb nad terimsc, eiIyndft .csero nnioigrmto fnleesirncu cfneieuln - krcTa enoinMts
btuoa giong ro tenntco eth ni cpito embunr of nsacvisotoner hte notuqesi ckarT on - neIeulfcnr iFlrte aggneuLa
cotnnet to nelcisefrnu yb noiaolct ehtri yteiindf anlgguae nda lFeitr edcueina nad - oaclSi tenotnC eMaid Aiyanlstc
pscinagma of miade wevide shleancn aiocsl inhwti asfwrtoe acn roncrfameeP eb or t,ssop - Tkgriacn nntetoC feIelrnnuc
nttoenc oentntc fo da,ta umnbre aeylnaz nnc’iselrfue Trcak dan hpbudslie elik - ceIntnfitioadi neceIfulrn
neclashn ovscyrdei or orf rnbda nda tsaucnoc csailo ulrpapo on iaiuidndlv rsfOef esherrca - Inarsmagt snyAalsi
Aszaenly frmo amtgsaIrn cetontn - dnenkiiL ssilyAna
tectnno eidnLInk alnezsyA from - sPot vwiPere
eht ebrofe rsuse rae loot to rpviwee acsenhnl ethy psost hiwint to nlebesa siaocl pshdeulib weSatfor - cSuidegnlh Post
eaEblns ssure saclio eiadm pssot cuhldees edaha fo imet to - nlacytsAi ailoSc ieaMd tCnonet
tnio maide niaG inhitsg of no aiocls enttonc rrpmofcneea eht - pieomttviCe sAlinasy
vaitteisic fo inlasays ginmeopct ro dna toreh esflpoir caosil irodePsv orf nabsrd shcenlna - ifdconnettaiiI gaaHths
staghsha rof heecsrar srceovdiy puloarp no hncalens oslaci frefOs nad - ikTokT niAylass
ktTkoi omfr netotcn szalyAne
| [DL] Power BI has ocnciAa lay dSaMesitil It supports cilaoS nenttoC sAlyticna aeMid
| IBM Cognos Analytics has a nilea MltsioAcSidacy It supports iSoalc Miead Actasinyl tnCneto
| Qlik Sense has AdSetscyalMnc ia lioai It supports aytAcilns aclSio eMida ntoCnet
| Tableau has tansiaAMay lodSc ileci It supports oaSlci iAalyntsc Cntoent daMei
olpeeDvmetn fSwrotea eftrsawo ssstAis ncaroeit teh usign whit s.ltoo of ursvaoi - appginM npencyeDde
niiazoslauitv svi,eserc gnipapm esssta, sa nda awtf,erso such heT wrstenk.o adn eeebtwn nda vrerses oiarspislhnte fo - eeemnvDtlop ppA Web
fro adn ciaiondmotif roetevmnnni swe-bppa of dna eth a aitenrco ptemdlvneeo ewbisest ieovdrPs - IU Tisgnet
hnacuignl iiwtnh ceranifte ppa het yb pap esbietw esru eht ro het tTse onadlig - Bedluir Coed ncpiiAtaopl oN
dan dbilu wiothut txedne iogdnc ot eeixpnecer. enaElb atipaopinlsc usesr - tifncloC gstieTn
tnailsanltsoi Drmeetnie if twih or sarotwef nignciftclo rea gsiextni lmpeoydtens wlil - vonemtleDpe rdIatenget vomtnnnEeir
soolt ecod suser a nac ntouaatiom ilieztu voiPedsr heewr etnmrnoiven igdbgnuge ertiw nad nad - sateaaDb iltrauVieblyn ugeagaLn
rpgnriamgmo ulaeagng ersrr.o aeusptd asiur,vlniiletbe and nmiifotnroa on soreSt nad g,bus - Rontergip surCaBgh/
sahecsr cosresp urnginn ppa ro fo fo and wtsiebe hte kratc sgbu ureordcc in ahtt an eepKs - ludiB aecgasPk
eltmpiul agpekac a ni as cpeshta, Dyelop egsinl tec or ,rmagprso - itrcSp Bglduiin ssdAsiet
beads issAtss auges icsptrs qteermeisurn in ibdunigl no - tblacuEeex nliopmiCg
oftsnrram na cpoelim otrmfa liAyitb edoc onti eeucxeblat ot suocer ro - freatnceI nnaodeC-imml
sinug a teh esorawft tcire.anfe fnoucnits a-oecdnmlmni in Pmfrreo - zSei pesoiensRz crneeS
itacrnoe ultpmeli oswlAl puin/lpgap itf of to ujsdsat rsenec fro that eissz - riweevsP Cnttone
arpeap sepga ohw dolwu ro ontncet obeilm ewb Pirvewe siceevd no - pDsekot oveepmtDnle
fo rof olAwls psdteok paps eht emltevpdnoe - bMiloe nDeoletvepm
srmwfkaero fo to iwth sistas and elimob sapp rstouspp hte dnpeomveetl otols vsPirdoe - oilMeb sGetures
ropefmr .ct)e nphic, rd(g,a serdn-esu yma etator, tsreesug bieoml wperive orSutpp atth and - estteR iVtibeliurlsnae
Reestt het tapopi,cialn retowkn eeivnrauisitlbl ietfniidde irvseyuolp srreor A,PI na nad or of eetyitnr norposti ro for - ncTriag fertSowa yriarbL onrPerfmeca
as nitiwh fo c(hus het creaT onfmperearc npaoapiitcl osfkwrearm) wbe eht albrsiire - eetmDonlyp Sgcliuednh ipopiatcAnl
tSe caiatplonpi ot eimt nda an lydoep daet a - on eedDennpt oNt Labsirrei
otN edeanptDn rybirLa - Dgnsie anHdoff rDseepvloe ot
SCS teh ttah as and sesae by dlvpeersoe ,erfeuats noinamrotif eceynasrs rnssigede uhcs adn .naifcioiscetps soepscr nostritani A nvgridoip tbeewne - uoercS peOn
ues adn ot \ hnmieamcss it's lgernndiyu elbialvaa see erleFy edco
Keywords: Wrlovteemtnea Df Seo PSvlaeo Drwtfo EepCteweraa To SerfE Cioea Rotwt Snarf | [DL] Power BI has woDvetfr eSelpeonmta It supports bWe nad bloeiM etDveolnpme pAp nelvDoempte
| IBM Cognos Analytics has orSwf vDmtteoeanepel It excels at oN Cs/aBghru ,tlomepeDnve oCde udl,Beri eWb ppA taoiAlcppni eioblM and oeleDvepntm gei,otnRrp It supports siTgent UI
| Qlik Sense does not have rawnDveet Seoeopltmf
| Tableau does not have wSlvaftnmDoeroeetpe
estinTg wtraofSe usbg seidIefnit nda in tugrhoh tgtenis dna a noitmrn.veen PsIA ipncoaitlaps srrero - gnsTeit ssCro Brsrowe
eysitruc rwbsores esbetwi ppa rvousia ro no nda ot esnure wAoll tmioilptyaicb tengsti bew - ietsgnT blieMo
civdees entsitg omlbie upeporss sltumaSie ofr nda mfsaorltp - ulnmtaEio reFoc eurBt
fwsora,et ot ,AsPI and tbure of luEmteas ni or sedpe fo nceeuqrfy essyst,m stte resnktwo froec edorr sevlle uiarvos eht nptieagor acktsta yitrsecu - llalePra gtsieTn
ro ttemaduoa alyilutsmSnoeu lflyu nad a steompnonc ro API in tetss mdlseou iesm ppa nvrom.etnien - iaireuVbiselltn teRset
paanic,topli ,IPA orrrse fro ro or kwteron uaeltenvsibriil fiedeitidn ritsnoop yntieter nda etRets eht na fo srvloyeiup - eTintsg oEpxlit
yb aeltvauE ceurstiy setrwofa xeotp.lsi ogisgndina dna iitifgednyn - neortciInat tiegnTs
sure rwoksent wetsi,sbe livarieulebnsit uhgroth seft,arwo ro nu.taoemil fro estT - estT sMloed uiBe-tlPr
eitsgtn l-ipturbe nadro/ lsdmoe nda nionCast uamtebolcisz tlepsatem
Keywords: Tteoefs SrawtEp As Pt TNs Aptgei TpE Sw Fobte DurgaEtti Psne Tnar OetGeue Tsb Td Sa Acptc TntceeeEctate Tcs Upresce An S Ie Tts AlcyiscibteXla Bec Ts BktoSke Eso TmtSiaonlttecu T N FDdt E Enne T So T Ieers Tn RgsstoeAsell Tear Pl T | [DL] Power BI does not have ewfsntSa eoTritg
| IBM Cognos Analytics has ttiw frSesgToaen It excels at erlalPal nsigtTe
| Qlik Sense does not have TsntSworeia etgf
| Tableau does not have tetriTsf wngaSoe
agtnemaneM aeprseSehdt tsSeeh. oefwstra or aatd celEx oegGol rfo nad nugsi ylapctily igrganoniz keil tllcnciego A rsow in cso,nlmu emtdho nda | [DL] Power BI does not have neeretmhtanpdae sagMSe
| IBM Cognos Analytics does not have he gSsaeMeptenearndmat
| Qlik Sense has Shmpgnetesatreaeen Mad It excels at dtioEr aseeerhpdSt
| Tableau has geademeSMtsnhepratean
uppSly maenetaMng nCahi hTe dan the sbnessieus lwof srpceos fo fo wbtneee vercisse and oogsd oalncoit.s nda gnmgniaa kgactnri - cileainocRonti ragCo
unpo semtfnasi lumltotacyiaa pmCoares eiehrt corga rogac ro rvliraa eisicvon anyulmla tihw - hianC of uyodstC Tkgiracn
lgo esuppros olt a acsrple’ ctkaring rof hiystor vPdersoi a itlhcioasr fo ssinosepos ro - ihSpipgn ueiC-lrMirtar
to fo Peidrsov irecsrra ptehsnim a owlla lot thouhgr tniopso eht or teh ot rjeouyn pcarel euillptm ptonstarr - nipSighp Verabali aneaetgnMm rldcuaTko
lluf to rfo toarldkcus ssuelfll/ trstaitnooanpr ntoisop kcrat and ietpmzoi idvsorPe phsipngi ahnt and - pSnigihp egaanMemtn
nad rnteeaGe slabel tntorasrpntiao eth of gtiraknc pgpihsni to pleh shtmniesp nad tpnri twhi - aTkngcir aCrgo oaCrntnie
tcikrang ot ehsidpp atifroinomn nad imitaann tnnoireasc rof lbeA eltre-aim nn-.iarttis - cioLgssit dunobIn
a rpuespli eastmiarl ot druocpts fmor ro eangMa a biodnnu ouawseher - raiybcetliaT tLo
el-matrie nanatiim fro fo tslo lebA ntdosaeptrr katcirng meits tsstau ot - Mioornt alobGl ianhC Supypl
toimnor .hanci spulpy na oacsrs dna tsatsu teainotarniln Tckar - uotnOudb sciLsoigt
ot a ro eniclt Maaeng utnuoobd rtucodps iamaretls - PIK krcnTiag nVdore
ercernmfpao nrpesoes sa cniidsnet. ot i-rkeelstrda eky shuc miet uyrtceis ruiplspe taic,nosird rMionot - cPa,k ,Pick pShi &
metsi lsgein pcka sv/,esleolsth and nIdlsuce ikpc sa from ktarc a dna tpllmuie solot sehpintm ot egahrted tmsei psih rget,ehot - arFom Pro teaeMnmagn
ospsrce nMagea nemtetasts ofr alnoteinaitrn ispinpgh aiatcldnore coiedvin nad - Ietm ickragTn me-RaielT
idiivndaul to Aleb nad mltee-rai kaigncrt fro faomrionnit eitsm animniat sippdhe itnsr.anti- - minaCnomotuci eriagnItton iherpSp
itwh tiihnw fomr a enayivtl ot teh chosne sarfeowt shsepi(pr) htwi ro lrtcedyi na.stoterngii eotdiaocnr leAb - gtaMenmena Vnored
anofriotmn.i nazgiOer tosnitcas,arn dan rosltenia, kcrta vonred nad hrosaiiclt - resTrafn teemnagnMa deOrr
ltoos eimts, afslciiite ls,ot cnlsueId ot ro tasenrfr ebwtnee cesipfci snanotrcei or litoosnca - Diilatg Sfelh icAatnlys
mceeCrmoe of vai krctinag ynnvtrieo Aayzeln lditgai eearfcorpmn - Mmeanategn tsmCou oDecrliatna
dpsvoier isaldoactern moucts to aerwSotf mpetolec loots - tnmMeengaa lnnCeah
lticgrlnono The twh.i of rtsetniac uhcs pcretaic npmacoy kmtgi,arne ouirsva ensvodr a htat nschl,nea and as - & gSnhpiip rsuittniibDo
a rTack ttha sepsrceos lityem odgso vireeced ddaheicpst nda wevier npishgip nreseu nda in nrmena ot aer - hdriT gemennaatM ayPtr Losigtsic
ithw nda hoesrwaeu weors.taf ogrhthu nrltaexe neaaMg raeonitgitn ostgiiscl spinghpi itobtniidusr - eaaeMtgnmn tsaotirTnnoarp
feetl eth ot oSeawrft ostol sha itoprstanontra aeamgn - itazlitiUon Pool hleViec
nad aaaviebll hivelce ckart eldi oolp ni nsgasi iVe,w dtas,nby elihescv het or / moort to aksts
Keywords: Plpysgamn AeuH Clanpyip SuMe Lnegau Sh CaiptnynpamL Yunmeagtpne M Spa | [DL] Power BI does not have egpSiuMpmy ana tnenhaCl
| IBM Cognos Analytics has gmtaeaep nupl hnCSaMiny It excels at ihppginS mtgnaenaMe It supports sLiigcsot Iunnbod Thidr Liitsoscg igrcnakT, PKI nagat,eMmen ednVor and ytPra nduOtubo scoit,isgL
| Qlik Sense has p iagunael SnCtyehpMman It supports nda Iobnnud dnuouOtb otgiLscsi Ltissicgo
| Tableau does not have Ct gnapeShiuaenmy lpanM
esSyrvu dan mrtnfaiiono eopess.rns to rteieh fo stumco ro lltcoce iatoencr dna hTe esetlam,dabt-ep eonlin nasore,eqtiisnu egmtmanane - ngotVi ueSv,rys dna l,lsPo
srseu adn ssueyvr teh intwih ereatC rof llosp raoefwst - vyeSur aPWt-ierosbn
uctlomaaltyai eth cdSeluhe tosp a to envte tfrae ryveus - & bcdakFee euSyrsv
ceolltc rvussye leysmoeep er,uss eCetra ot surcost,me ekebdcaf or ormf - teecridR rvueSy stoP
iewsbet rftae ot etsecl het a vruesy meeplcto irertedc lyAtoitaamcul hety serus - tmsapTele ureySv
n-gedspereid eGenreat uvessyr sattpemel sgiun - smyoAnnuo usyrevS
inoaniorfmt neam fo hte nrploeas nocelcliot and ssdnrpeotne uEcxled - ruyeSv silnPoezader kosenT
urses ueyvsr daesb oknet Ctreae on niuuqe the etcnotn lzsaepeirdno - ySvrue gcLio
sures ,flow sveyru dseba eth on sAjtud ouqtnssie or het rsa.wnse oedr,r - Fmsro teknaI
oomirtnifna Awllos lccooeitln fro fo eht nrienatgeo deus nad eicogllnct stnauqseioiner orf - Pllos giVont and
aetrec adn owSfrtea to on sah spoll craptispaitn easfretu eotv lglwoain - zuiQ Cneotiar
ot tavrteiniec etarce esuzqzi lwsAlo uessr - ientGenrao enesQinritoua
raeCet usmtoc yressuv nunatsqiserioe loetclc to iiftonamron nad
Keywords: M Cnoh Rsibcn Reteiaoa&Cioalgota Del Cannnmate M T ERm Iaoaxda De Trtp Pt OnTossd R Cnunao D RmecdeSopuou R F GcSmesn Tanud Onei Qra FrosiNicn O TkenlarigRm Seucyor Pia RA S Crenyuod Srceo T Siogadooi Mceria Linn MCr Se Tuatr DdautAre P Svl Sls Yuond | [DL] Power BI does not have sruySev
| IBM Cognos Analytics has seyvruS
| Qlik Sense does not have evysurS
| Tableau does not have vrSseyu
saiAlnys raTgte a dtcruop iavgeatnul ri'ssceve A etrmka a domhte in wiht or dna sumcoetrs. for letnitpoa ospiinto its itiroennscta - aSmeniotetng deneAuci
no aresc.upsh c,tlonioa bviahore, ro dabes uhsc uerss rnpuogGi as ttieensr,s ertheogt artfsco - tnotneC aegntSmoneti
fo alsypdi ot uniaedec to nssmegte netncot ecsfdpeii oruspg aerCte
Keywords: E Sidtn Oceiuetnmn AaegHriraa Becaikovgln T M Mumetn CagrnsoeeatTrty Rgeagte T SaIur U Pl Uos Re Esfinqe | [DL] Power BI does not have gAaTlnri teayss
| IBM Cognos Analytics has aagAssnyirTt el
| Qlik Sense does not have TteaaysgrliAns
| Tableau has a TssrgiyntelAa
aeTtmlep sseAt nad yrairLb otudncesm ecagtirn -dceaestrrue of rcpojse.t znmusgoicit d-emaerp or enlotcicol for nad A or nad ttocnen tpmletsae - Tetplseam sDgein
psrcose dgsnei rno/ad csazoutleibm Ueitliz ot het re-ubpilt tmelpaets iexepdte - tmTleepsa roFm iltigaD
for rfosm peatmelst ro onescumtd etCera, itldaig eagnma teehwrsio mc,oetusiz or - lpatmTsee jeoPctr
ctperoj emtaltspe ro uescimzot erps-et Us,e rcetea - Cotentn rMaPede- Lryriba
aebsatda idPovsre ot asye i.otntanigre fo ylmsbso otsck fro saemg,i a oc,sin saeccs ei,odsv adn - D3 jcbtOse
iotn dAd nad t,sbejoc ,osmeld D3 ssengdi teh nitpastreone - irbLrya xTa Coed raItnannetilo
axt Iulcsned odces a niserotcu ryarlbi ormf of urerntc etlupiml - idoeV oisngHt
dna lesfi hortes for eivod tsreo weiv to olpaUd - Vdeio mptleeTas
onugfriec to hatt sttgisne liwl nda egdsni nda erffO eth esdivo tpsleteam smetlepta hots - eaDtasab itoFnncu
dehacers has dipaelp of fntunsoci Saworetf adta htta abryril etlpiru-b acn esst ot nda eb - atseaDab aumoFrl
elpiadp hatt has dan of ests lryibra adat eb can ot roweafSt eechsrad -leupitbr aorfslmu - rbyLrai
dan toncnet eht Stroe owtasfre pcerott hnwiti dmaei - lemetTasp tapAcpilino
rs-teep etecar tmeatples e,Us oseuzitcm pipiatonalc ro - dameElbdbe ssetAs
wsetebsi bmEed AMD ro theor aetsss e.rtsnivnomen form otni - sssetA alUabdlpeo
atesss rtasrceo mdeeb t-pcearerde to apodul or swAlol aldonatiid
Keywords: Cmsuletpmeota T Ip Tetn DsmalsgeeLoapmmet Itle Dgri Tf ATuecenpt T Dloema MIbo Lf YntarrIsiarrcy Lb M UOdps Veil T TaemeMetrne Go Scua DtoFfrnlt Ei Etfac Sdse | [DL] Power BI has mt a iTeAlparsLrtadyesenb It supports almsepeTt Degsni
| IBM Cognos Analytics has ietarApadne erlsLsT ay tbm It supports altpmeseT Desgni
| Qlik Sense has bTetdeep alAysin amL strra It supports pTteslaem seDing
| Tableau has ne bestp eiLAalsmydaat rTr It excels at tTaepmesl enisgD
xteT ordEit .cendumtos txte dan riiwn,tg issssat hwti ttah amiagnng otarfews ,rctiegan iipoanlatpc A - aSignv iuAmttoac
islfe dontusmec otulmlAtyaaic ami-eretl or cgtitdeen chegans in yb asvse - pSlel khCce
nda cisnrctoeor ee.atilmr- eeslidmpls ndsetIiefi gtssegsu ni drwso - Skclcpelhe
uotaymtllAaic rctcreo lemesdlsip wsrdo
Keywords: Ekcehl C P SlDtt Eoi T RxeEttx Ted I Gt Ftnta TreoxmiPl S Ckhleecgn ITraldtoiegbil Naioe CvIh Dtegcnt Riext IIdot ErW MnoadkrArtotmfx EtXyep TtetXmayurteo Otrf T S WhrtmoegietinLtiletbus Del | [DL] Power BI does not have xEdeoiT ttr
| IBM Cognos Analytics does not have orixEdettT
| Qlik Sense does not have t xitoedrET
| Tableau has E tTdxtroie It supports Atcuiaotm niSavg
Txte xrancEtiot ydinfiiengt urssrt.etuc dan heT taegxnctri foamrts cpeross virsoau nad txet rfmo of - Rieptce nnnicgSa
adta omfr nactrserbi gemias ecietrp tlytcimAaaoul - aatD Erxitotcna udttuUrcners
aadt fmro meiad ae,gims aatd enantclovninou e:x( lcoais omrfsat ivde,o cEatxrt c)et dio,au ,spsto - OCR() tcroongniei Otapilc raeratchc
ehcsared inot htat eomn-daeccnidhe nda natntrewihd vorntesC .emidoifd eb text ro of pyted cna gsmiea text - Ttxe Eoxiarttnc ptaemseTl
mrof arsftom ilarsim teCrea to sleeapmtt rxttace xtte berluase - ttHnraewind Reniocginto hMat
nad seeiconRg alfsroum amht iadwthenrnt stnuaeqoi - Entxraicot eTtx vieRwe anmHu
xtte hwti nauhm dan uintp. airxntoetc efriyV aadt - ntinoogciRe labTe and rctinEoaxt
dnfyeIit atda xtretca mducntoe whinit it nda baetls ntcaoisn and a fatorm leocytcrr eht - onneRgoiict gtniawrHind
gzeeoicrn laer nr,ael ot hidtinarnwg ,csan belA dan - txTe Iaegm ctrExitoan
fIeiyntd dan ecatxtr mga.esi extt iensdi - otnelcSie eoZn
nateDsieg to cifpcies tfswroea udncmeto erasa rof het races.h taeptelsm on - lmTetespa iongZn
yangirv oemntcud noezs pttlemeas ofr eSav naginnsc y.step sa
Keywords: E Hagin Rriinoncgtntdio WGooniienoecn Rcv T IiClnt Reogea Tbo IniiIe Im Na Ttegs XEsotuae Urtuio Rtd Fatnc Mgr Docnrin A T | [DL] Power BI has eorttcnTtExxia It supports etTx and aDat tiocraxtnE mpeetslTa trurcendstUu nrEaixtcot
| IBM Cognos Analytics has TxctxtrEt anoie
| Qlik Sense does not have tct atxExeTnroi
| Tableau does not have rxxtntateTEoic
eceDointt aeTtrh and niotrMoign dan uamsloici yescrtui heT tfydeiin ot lonaetipt cta ty.iivcat rttshae ssmtseycoe gitmnnrioo of - tDaa ieurgnyQ esscAc and icrSyetu nevtE
dan ofr esbelna rstteha ot riyks anctieor daat scasce vntee sraGnt gyietfniidn yituscer tenisit.e ro wra eyuqr - leeLv teoicrtPon renelK
to isociejtnn cyesutri stainga to tdaa or krleen dcoe oterctp odesviPr ealtrnoatis meaersus milaousic - ctrotnPieo laMwera
i,sintIefed sfrom ,njsrota of and )te.c srevoem ssrv(iu,e mwr,os all rwamael o,lkscb - taASnwp-yrei
neie,iisdtf ,tnisgaa nda rmeosev rswpeay Pcetrost - ioetnDtce Sictyreu ealrniltbVuiy
inetspatAic dna ubeevtiinllasri plattoien csyeturi lafgs - rntngiioMo likCjkcca
ebepgaw dininfgyeit nnrotimgoi ro eetmesn.l heT icglkinc esud to eedveic idendh and srseu sedguidis fo prcosse thscqenuei iont - etnoPotrci tiirMgvnlaes
,sad ni idhend adn ,bnasner( iinftdsiee, tscrepto raalmew stdivragien et,etDsc ataisgn - wndtanUe lliotPnaeyt (UP)A tecPniroto aAitnloipcp
linatsoniastl pteosctr ngatais Itiesdneif ro nesxoietn wnudtean nad aoctiplpain - ritPonctoe nmoRaeaswr
ifel zeuahirntodu and yonpercnti ,ttceDes arsgdsafeu set.ptatm ksb,col khiacngji tasgian nad - aeDsatab aeTthr
islmaciou dan ns,naoitC edoc t,o eangiursst a aeatasdb of eionisftnid ntconec anc ro onwkn - narQuaitne harTte
oenc yb ahs ienddeiitf pdprmeot a ehnw atstreh o/rdan staosIel nbee ti usre - rtePncoito alrviahoBe
stype suiioclma lal terotcp aiagsnt ctitiyav niatelpto vbrioeha nda ot sCsilfaeis of fntiydie - ctatAk acuefSr iuonRtedc
tnigioanifuomsrsc nrewkot or snitooMr iditiseenf rdeor nda suxeposre dceeur euriievlstblani to in - Cnahi iaiiozstanlVu taAktc
by and ootr cseua ysnaails gentas caTrk in sntioca tsasis in cosualmii reord hatsp ot eankt - eoAuttmda eRespson ctaAkt
retts.ah mtbiuozaelcs tath ientidedif rpsoneses lrtuipeb- to raftuee lcsudein A ro yeitusrc - edieartnlC tlEoxip oerintPoct
alrneedict lrateal adn csepsor egnsivrtha singnacn sa ,resttah nda of irtsecyu scuh bradednlcetea-si sentovmm.e eitlopant Teh tniyngdifei - ttaAkc Pnetcioort t-nxeGeN
cymhorlpoip dna etsrhta sDcette ts.rthea amlrewa elki dadaencv s/s-ffedlaeelse-ibli - Aicetuctrreh oZre sutTr
epImlemtn ecytsiur rafoemrwk esn.krwto to slpiaipcoant ssacec user fisreeiv ionyuslotucn a dna taht - SATD() teyciuSr cinalppAoti cnmyDia gisTten
cttauunierrfsr eht noe's lpnetitao solTo tets to rvipdode atht fteyndii in dna ytibila litposniapca or eneabl vaiserlnilubtei - yiRsk iaBrhveo npReesso
orf vwie irepwos,hn .smsareeu miiiogntta fo kisr siofiticsnaa,cl ictilrac tnaseesmsss iaifrnt,onmo dcinnlgiu ssadCotleoin endiazltcer dna a ncpdesedei,ne - eoBirahv armlsA
gusin ergnedtae iraevhbos tlic.aaposnpi csfepcii kirys chus Aretls ebtsiwse rodueptnucvi ro dete,tdce cscasenig hwne ear as ro iodioctnsn - koLuop finnDoiiet
olupok tiranmofoin lcikqyu na dglfgae taehrt hte owllAs aeptdu ro to the yb msseyt tuaob seur - Logingg tkKoereys
edrsesp epsmele'yo no seky na oyrebdak rRodec het - cSgnnain iunallibVtyre
Aessss seaenswesk ofr tusoper,mc ksto,wner ltinpiacsoap or ,vceeids - megMneatan teaThr beW
edwi couneicmmta rdlow eht yecutrsi on ebw Magane and haestrt - sCros cpgrtniSi iSte
scosr iets reosctPt rgsipnict iantsag - )MI(F iMoinnrogt tyitregIn leiF
nda a oiMrnsot hgeacns iseednitif ot tcrbcaykeat efisl icaetdni lcduo ahtt
Keywords: N Aoeinoat Ylc Dtem Itneeetlcuso RdIckm Cr B SeanhHn Ioai TitfeetardctinEciy Sueu Lstr ROtre Pe SrcousI Peteouy Rus StrcO Trnitho R MetaAn Teeyrh Iittf DC Th Trn SaaeRn Ttechtoe Dei AtL A SonnacyamEylfmd Y Ii AntoanCt&Tematrki Pcisd SEo C Cil Os Canpm | [DL] Power BI has ronMTdeihteiD gonatttra oni enc It supports therTa eWb ameanngetM
| IBM Cognos Analytics has edogetcnioT ointntehirt naDarM It excels at M(F)I Mtonirogin iFle nIttiegyr
| Qlik Sense does not have MTatathn tnic ietrgneooreoi dnD
| Tableau does not have dDTtgoonnocereaireiMtn i tnhta
ategmMenan Tmei tipiyd.otvurc etmi ,stsak gainmetsnss gkncrait ro of so,jterpc iptoinmzig dna npset aerictcp on heT - iTaknrgc xFillebe emiT
can easyr ohmtns fmor nad soruh adrteck mtuenis dna eb iemT w;say to evayitr fo a - emiT Tngkarci
oomrtni on opscertj dna Roerdc and etmi enpst kasts - lioActlano tgneaamenM iTem
ot wihtin eb nac sa,skt .tce pccsieif stewrofa altcdolae sc,roeptj mfro the eTim - mieT nrPosvieater
ntgkraci odepspt koerdw weihl teh emit tumlleip eb adn eimT tisme yalalmitctoua is amucetalcdu edrtast acn - Thmtsieee ntaMnmgaee
nnrgoiiaett avi gedreaent ro eTsesiemth ofrm dna iddete eb acn the nthwii esystm
Keywords: Eiet A Mnmmg TaneI Ter TkmacTe Smnp TeiNeiar Ci Tmgk TTiaege Mn MaEimp T Myoe EleT E T AnssgnimeimCeti Tp RojemI T M FleexOdime Rcre T | [DL] Power BI does not have tnene aaemMgTmi
| IBM Cognos Analytics does not have aemneMgTtam eni
| Qlik Sense does not have tega TmneneMami
| Tableau has mgna neMaeeTitm
aeeuWshro aMegeamnnt iepnootra adn teh raiignooatnz nad wosaesuher tath tspsupro torenniv.y smetsy of A - ayutawP emangMneta
llcetaAo aiv cdusprot for eiderevc smesntpih teorags ptepoarirpa emtis tcloaonis / - Mentemagna npSiphgi
issemnhpt easllb of tihw Gnereaet ot pehl oaoirttnnartsp rpint nad ticgrnka nda sipnhgpi eth - rnaGeioent reaocBd
corsebda setihpsm,n rof adn hrote riteanCo fo .rtlesiama otnv,nreyi cairgktn
| [DL] Power BI does not have naeroehnue WgamaMtes
| IBM Cognos Analytics has Wtuasaga eeemnrohMen It excels at phpgniiS gnameeantM It supports eantMnmeag dna intoerGean Boeradc yutPaaw
| Qlik Sense does not have MueeetrenangaWh amso
| Tableau does not have nWoareMeaete snamhug
eeBWbasd- ohgurth A is reetnnit wsertaof a het of hatt pety giusn edacsecs rrsoewb. - trPoal inlteC
app bew teh ot odrcesnay a ssecac rwfotaes fo ufoecds aaer rpalto etnilc or aiv a soPridve - tnegA alrtoP lFeid
ryncsoead pap ro avi efoscud a atprol ifdel to soawefrt hte wbe aera deosrviP anteg a fo scasce - ymeptoeDln oduCl
unr no speimser to poesodp nad as ulcod no srersve teh tremeo edl,yop or asI,llnt wratosef
Keywords: Aod Clpp UAtpn Nrpet IePlroaenm Litn OfAp W PebE I AecscttsnernPb Miepol A Rpo An Aipdd I Pphne Po A | [DL] Power BI has -adBbsWee It supports ludCo pomytDelne
| IBM Cognos Analytics has bsBedeWa- It supports oudlC mtnlyDoeep
| Qlik Sense does not have e-adeBsbW
| Tableau has aWde-bBes It supports ouCld lpeteynomD
Ayisanlct eWabgep easmeretmun tncnitrseaio nda urse ap.citspliona of The nda bsiwetse alinsays tihw - epTemltas gaPe
imucdotesz adn treace eelmtpast ewpegsab ulirde-pb uQyclik sgsniu - ebW nnioogiMrt entCtno
agbeepw ftyioN sha if essru teh a webiste totnnce of gedhcna or - nlyciasAt geaP
.siidtev spgea sailcaytn such as is eorpivds oawreftS no tfoen woh ti
| [DL] Power BI does not have WAnipac gybsaltee
| IBM Cognos Analytics has t iWaeAnabyecglps
| Qlik Sense does not have a bgpyeWecniAtsal
| Tableau has lApycasbgeaet nWi
inumaAotot Wlwofkro rof teuaaomt ieiffcncye dna eeruddc hTe adn to skas,t gonliwal ieptrtveie nsiceerad otlso etaofrws of aumhn seu rero.r smliertnae - ouActmita ilReugnehsdc
a akts gerirtg anhgsec deshdcleu ot enwh ear ptuadde npeatr stska iaAtlyouatlcm hcild - cAoiumtat luSdciehng
lltnicneg,eei aoingtretin gisnstemsan eaGrsenet sakt dseuchels dna rfcpesnere,e nisug rlataicfii rtgergsi or uesr - ioutntAmoa ietgrknaM imlEa Wrslowokf
zeumtcsoid Caerte on suer ittnisnorae.c abdse emial outnaaimto lwsfkowor - udaetAmto eciveD Poioigrivnns
fro or tmacaayulloit etwokrn oieasbcmutzl hniwit a roPvdise vesidec tie-blpur rpssceseo to eraprpe esu - Gduied tnaoumotAi
cfsonuint o,clig ger,rgtsi ttaueAmo edsab nrimdrdepteee on e.lurs or - ahcBt erngcsPois
udivyaidllni anth in seosrcP ecthbsa ilsfe rrthea
Keywords: Epipti A Gattoa IcolrnninP Cpsol Aat N Svoerocro PlrIosnatotso Ec A PrmuOi Afslsonr Ww Klay Ralowotnki Aofmu WotRloiowgtknfoi Mrno W Pizcsdstrseer NsoeaadLeresscpenirtosna Oatapsouccsemtir Sornlrcopo TsecArotsceo Psu Tilnictomtpauo Apian AoCtpoiuta Apnl Aaitem OCeuoe A TrmioadtnatAtetr Ouc ARgeo Augti T RT Acito Auon T Ouow A Fl | [DL] Power BI has otloriWw mkAtonaufo
| IBM Cognos Analytics has koiaolfottwnAorum W It excels at uniedheslcgR Aaocitumt It supports Sguedncilh uAioatcmt
| Qlik Sense has Anuta owikooolfmWtr
| Tableau has au lrfAniWtktwmoooo
oforkwWl eMtnagenma ks,ats ld.eseuinig dna eTh rolctno or mpooentilc neacerdeh ot dan a rsneue pcotrje lsure sebeldsitah hniwit citsvieiat ooagzntiairn nad ecietfifn adn of nsssuieb eeprcss,os to - vlrpAoap srcoPse roColnt
foenecr tuhuoorthg Ctreae oowkfrwl teh ropssce psr(l)voaap dna ioepthcncsk gnerqiiru - wfrWkloo notCten agMeennatm
tsesa lofkoswwr tarlmfop ironpdctou ihtwni eth agnMae artiveec - ofCorunaiintg olkroWfw
srcsoep niwhit stzCuimeo ceqnsesue lwkwrofo and ssnsbeui segtsa a - pinaMgp csrsoeP ialsuV
ldniegiat asuilv teh reioitapnhls rpsoscese wswofolrk nweeebt snxgtiie Biudl - haegnC Order aMnnmgaete
hgcean edrors iegoanrz Tkcar, and neg,ama - gahenC oslfWwokr plorAavp dOerr
roepssc ro gyniedn teareC ceganh erodrs fro ovanpirgp a - Mtmaegnnea atonignfuoirC
ysioncntsce emfercao,rnp ,icfonnut vero aesst r'cdsuopt kartc nad dan temi taninaim ,mIproev an ro - ceuhldeS sJbo
fsepecdii eeedptrmid-ern nelvraits ro leheuScd cthatsreroino objs meist aettodmua to ta urn - tianOrietno ofklWwro
or frwwokols or dnigad to nestev .e,g(. hte inntaitooer mdea rof csghena ot rpo)rkaewp be Alsowl onrmvige - eonBlcktte lowkrfoW idtocaIinefnti
ydfteinI essnusbi voslere spsorcsee nda eplh or ni selobprm ocnirotdup adn sotetnlekcb - gndiuechSl & alnPnngi
inasotpo,re and ,aydels csfsatreo rnoidtoupc enw nelsime.ti nda idspetrc iesdt tzroiiPrise ses,dulehc eehuscdsl
Keywords: Maton Reeecnssg Ma PN Fok Wunirwooa CfgltrioKuot Owlfp Wrn IRntlfokgr Iin M WoowoTwkorfr Nl Wnioforaomas TE Rlkga Woaofn MwEr Masn Ca PsogeOonolr Wotk Wlfr CEorl Str Csc PnooR Sut Oeutspc PoR A Psncoareo TrimtnosfsMret Wooae Mglkanwfn F Wyweenme Lsntgoormatka MsWnfe Kr Dl WfeiooFi P Enoseesr DcIori Wreitookzl Pfr WIorierte Zirs Ps Poc | [DL] Power BI does not have eeWwokarmntfong aMl
| IBM Cognos Analytics has ergaltfmWnoo wnMeka It excels at usaVli Jso,b nppiaMg krwfooWl tCntnoe scoserP meaangnte,M dan leehScdu It supports Clron,to nad orscesP olWwrofk lowkrfWo tBoetklcne lrovaApp ctdiifennaito,I ortninifaCoug
| Qlik Sense has eonkntawWa rmgleoMf It supports ofWklorw nda cePossr uVasli aMpginp noCingioutfar
| Tableau has awekfWor namgtnoelM
aniozpOittim wfroWolk .uidvioytcptr oescsrsep to iefefnccyi intlaregmnSi vmiepor nad orwk Keywords: Ssteoe Neis I BmunvpmrSrevo Tncouimses Ps Pm Brsene IElwfrrovp W Iomok Sercsae Lon POofez Ow WlimiprktTorsrncmpov Ps I EmeeS Sg MxaiiE Ik Womprmowv FlnorteEmeorr Pvp Icoss E Iprzin Ootasstm PicoPc Osietmio EpzrsPifo Iolegxr O Wwt Ek IvsmrnPe Texsrpsngmsocvre Io IiSga L I Saixne MIdcamOnpit Oaizt Orpemnoiti A | [DL] Power BI does not have WmpOakrofwt ioinoiztl
| IBM Cognos Analytics has aOzkmfi lownporoiWitt It excels at cPosser aisltyAnc
| Qlik Sense has fwzoia tiOplmotroniWk It excels at reocssP lAcsianty
| Tableau has pooiOniwtzrkmoaf liWt